Topics Map > Assessment Tab

KB User's Guide - Assessment Tab - Quiz/Survey Modules

NoteInformation symbol

The Assessment Tab is not enabled in the KB Admin Tools for groups that do not have any existing quiz/survey questions. If your group would like to use the Assessment Tab features, reach out to to have the tab activated.

This document will walk you through the steps to create a Quiz/Survey Module in the Assessment tab.

    Quiz/Survey Modules

    To create a new Module, go to the KB Admin Tools > Assessment tab. You will land on the Quiz/ Survey Modules screen, as it is the default. If you have not created any modules, you will see the Add a New Module form, alone. Otherwise, if you have created one or multiple Modules, they will appear under the Add a New Module blank form. The Module sequence appearance is determined by the Sort field in each Module.

    "Add a new module" Form

    Modules are an easy way to group together a selection of questions to use in a Quiz, a Questions and Answer review (QA review) and/or a Survey. Fill out the form and click on the Add a new module button to save your work.

      • Name* - This field is required, as denoted by the asterisk. Enter a word or short phrase describing of what the series of questions encompasses.
      • Description/Instruction - Enter a phrase or sentence with a the information you are hoping to receive/ or measure.
      • Mode - This dropdown menu defaults to Quiz. Select one of the following:

        • Quiz - A quiz will be taken and a score will be recorded.
        • Q&A Review - Answers will accompany review questions, along with an explanatory text /or supporting documents/ links.
        • Survey - Answers will be used to collect data and analyze aspects thereof.

      • Anonymity - KB admins may ask users to take a survey. Use this option to designate all answers as anonymous or display usernames in the User column of the Results table. The Results table is viewable only by KB Admins.

        • Yes - "anonymous_user" will appear in the Results screen.
        • No - Username will be visible in the Results screen.

      • IP Check - Receiving data multiple times from the same user will skew the Survey data and subsequent analysis. You may disallow the same IP address from submitting answers more than once.

        • Yes repeat IP - Allows the same IP address to submit answers to a survey.
        • No repeat IP - Disallows the same IP address to submit answers to a survey. The user attempting to respond to a survey where repeat IP is not allowed, this error message will appear:


      • Max Qs - The number in this field indicates the maximum number of questions that will appear. If you have more questions assigned to that module than the number of maximum questions, only the maximum number of questions will be displayed.

      • Repeat Qs - You may choose to Repeat Qs, or "Repeat Questions", in a quiz.

        • Yes - By selecting Yes, questions from the first quiz attempt will appear in future attempts to take the quiz.
        • No - By selecting No, other questions designated to that same quiz Module will appear in future attempts to take the quiz.

      • Attempts - The number in this field indicates the maximum number of attempts that the Quiz can be taken. Should the maximum number of Attempts be reached, the user will not see the "Take Quiz" button on the Live Internal Site, nor will the Module name be linked/clickable. The image below is from our demo site and shows that the "Chord Review Quiz" has been taken 4 times, which is the maximum allowance. The Module name is no longer a hotlink and unclickable. The Take Quiz button is no longer visible.


      • ShowAs - This is an abbreviation for "Show Answers". By selecting from the dropdpwn menu:

        • Yes - answers will appear on the Live Internal Site when the Module is selected. This is recommended for Q&A review Modules.
        • No - answers will not appear on the Live Internal Site when the Module is selected. This is recommended for Quiz Modules.

      • QuestionOrder - This field determines the sequence in which your questions will appear on the Live Internal Site and it defaults to Random order. Questions will appear:

        • Random - arranged in no particular pattern.
        • Alphabetical ASC - arranged in the order of the letters in the alphabet, A to Z.
        • Alphabetical DESC - arranged in the order of the letters in the alphabet, Z to A.
        • Question ID ASC - each Existing Question has a unique ID number and will be arranged from smallest to largest.
        • Question ID DESC - each Existing Question has a unique ID number and will be arranged from largest to smallest.
        • Updated ASC - each Existing Question has an Updated date. If you create a question and never update it, the Updated date is identical to the Created date. Most recent dates are returned last.
        • Updated DESC - Each Existing Question has an Updated date. If you create a question and never update it, the Updated date is identical to the Created date. Most recent dates are returned first.

      • DocID - field that allows you to enter the Document ID of an active document that is relevant to this module.

      • Activation - This date defaults to the current date and time.

      • Expiration - The Expiration date defaults to 1/1/3000. If you click on the this link, a calendar pop up will appear where you may easily select a date that will populate this field.

      • Expire Now - If you click on this link, the Expiration date field will be populated with the current date and time.

      • Status The status defaults to Active. You may choose to change the status to Inactive.

      • Sort - This field defaults to 0. If you would like to present multiple Modules on your Live Internal Site, you may enter a number in this field to sort them.

    • Add - Click on this button to save your work.

    Displaying Modules on the Live Internal Site

    When an end user visits your live Assessments page, they will see the modules available to them at the top of the page. This section displays:

    • links to relevant documents
    • the type of assessment
    • the number of questions
    • whether questions repeat
    • the number of allowed attempts
    • their completed attempts
    • and their average score.

    They will also see a separate list of their individual attempts on all assessments.

    Best Practices

    Here are several ways to leverage the Assessments feature on your Live site.

    Assessment URL

    You may relay an assessment link to your users (e.g. by sending a URL via email, chat, news item, etc. 

    The image below shows our Demo internal test site URL appended with assessment.php and highlighted in yellow.

    assessmen.php url in the live internal site

    On the live site, below the banner, you will see the Assessment page displaying Quizzes and Surveys. The user sees a table with the active "Conference Presentation Suggestion" Quiz and "New Hire Onboarding" Survey. 

    Quiz and surveys as seen by a user on the live site

    To update the page heading displayed on your Assessment page on the Live site, please see the instructions at KB User's Guide - Assessment Tab - Quiz/Survey Settings.

    Create an Assessment Menu to Display on your Live Site

    You may display your Assessment of choice on the KB front page by using our Side Module function. Below is an example on our Test Site of a Survey in the left Side Module called "Our Groovy Assessments". The custom side module features a survey, "Conference Ideas" and a quiz, "Onboarding Review". To create a menu, please see the instructions at KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - Menus.

    Image showing a custom side module that contains links to assessments

    create a new module description quiz survey Q&A Q & A question and answer review mode anonymity IP check repeat question questions maximum max maxx attempt attempts ShowAnswers show answers As Question order sequence random alphabetical question updated ascending descending status sort name field required tries entry entries internal site live
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    Owned by:
    Leah S. in KB User's Guide
    KB User's Guide