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KB User's Guide - Site Pref Tab - Mobile View CSS

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The mobile view of the KnowledgeBase (KB) allows for optimized viewing on devices with smaller screens.

Go to KB Admin Tools > Settings Tab > Mobile View CSS

The Mobile CSS page. A red arrow points to the Mobile CSS link on the left side menu.

Here is a summary of how the Mobile View works:

  • While in the default Full View on the Live Site, a Mobile View link is found in the footer section of each KB page.

  • While in the Mobile View the Full View link is at the top of the page. A user may toggle between Full and Mobile View in any browser at any time. Subsequent page views will remain in the selected view until the user toggles to the alternate view.

  • By default, the Mobile View is loaded on smart phones and tablets by default.

  • Unlike many other mobile web sites, our KnowledgeBase (KB) does not have a different URL for mobile view. It's the same URL, just with different viewing options.

  • KB Site Administrators have three options for Mobile View image display (KB Admin Tools > Settings -> Mobile View CSS > CSS for Mobile View screen:

    1. Default Mobile View CSS (read only) - Featured as a link at the bottom of the page, below the Update and Reset Buttons.

    2. Internal Site Mobile CSS - Click to expand the panel. You may upload a custom CSS file or customize the default CSS in the space provided.

    3. External Site Mobile CSS - Click to expand the panel. You may upload a custom CSS file or customize the default CSS in the space provided.

    4. Note: The Default Mobile View option dynamically resizes any image wider than 200 px, saves a version that is 200 px wide into the same image directory with a prefix "Adapted4MobileView_" in the file name. When the resized image is displayed, a (+) sign link appears; the user can click on it to view the original images. Supported image formats include .jpg, .gif, and .png. The format .bmp is not supported, so documents with .bmp files may need to be cleaned up.

Keywordsmobile site version Adapted4MobileViewDoc ID18778
OwnerLeah S.GroupKB User's Guide
Created2011-06-08 19:00:00Updated2023-06-15 12:03:42
SitesKB User's Guide
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