Results: 121-140 of 237

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Changing a Document's Status to "Deleted"

Last updated on 2023-08-14
Sometimes you may want to delete a document that is no longer necessary or that was created in error. Before moving forward, please consider the document retention policies of your KB Group and that of your institution.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 42
  • Total views: 31573
ID: 5724

KB User's Guide - General Info - XML (RSS) Display Options

Last updated on 2023-08-11
The KB offers RSS feed options for your KB site. RSS is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Some KB groups publish and frequently updateinformation: documents, news, blog entries and so on. The RSS feed benefits those who want ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 63
  • Total views: 41668
ID: 15136

KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - Edit This Page button

Last updated on 2023-08-11
After publishing a document to your Internal KB site, an Edit this page button appears on the upper right of the document of the live site. This button can act as a shortcut to the KB Admin Tools. This document will show admins how to adjust this ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 46
  • Total views: 26405
ID: 6276

KB User's Guide - Topics - The Batch Topic Assignment Tool

Last updated on 2023-08-11
This feature allows users to apply or remove individual topics from a set documents, without affecting any other current topic assignments. You may search for a set of documents based on keywords in various fields in the document. Additionally, the ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 40
  • Total views: 66583
ID: 22118

KB User's Guide - Home Tab - Dashboard

Last updated on 2023-08-09
The Dashboard allows you take a quick temp of the activity on your KB Site at a glance. From the Home Tab, you may also update your user profile by clicking on the My Profile link. You may access KB Monthly Advisory Meeting Minutes from this, ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 76
  • Total views: 30697
ID: 2636

KB User's Guide - Stats Tab - Doc Upkeep All Groups

Last updated on 2023-08-08
KB Admins can track document activity of: creation, activation, etc. The Time Frame filter allows you to look at a specific month or a block of time such as a calendar year or a specific quarter of the fiscal year. This document will explain what ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 37
  • Total views: 22890
ID: 36809

KB User's Guide - General Info - Creating a KB Admin Alert

Last updated on 2023-08-08
If you have important information you need to communicate to all authors in your KB group space, you may create a KB Admin Alert, which will display as a persistent banner in the KB Admin Tools.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 69
  • Total views: 14580
ID: 104160

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Identifying Broken Hyperlinks on your KB documents

Last updated on 2023-08-08
KB Admins may identify broken hyperlinks external to the KB . Occasionally, links external to the KB have been updated and subsequently broken since KB document activation. We will show you how to identify broken links in your KB document.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 61
  • Total views: 35663
ID: 15406

KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Transfer News Ownership Button

Last updated on 2023-08-08
This document explains the behavior Transfer News Ownership button.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 47
  • Total views: 26090
ID: 15192

KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Updating a User's Default KB Group Space via the Users Tab

Last updated on 2023-08-07
This document demonstrate how Group Space Admin, who has access to the Users Tab, can update the Default Group Space of a user in their own Group Space. Use Case : A KB Admin from Group Space A grants access to an user who still has access to Group ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 38
  • Total views: 27487
ID: 5961

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Define and Apply Document Headers and Footers

Last updated on 2023-08-07
The PageHeader and PageFooter features allow authors to apply predefined headers and footers to their documents using a simple drop-down menu. Users with publish rights can also define new headers and footers or edit existing options using these ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 48
  • Total views: 30630
ID: 24015

KB User's Guide - Topics Tab - Enable the Topic Tree Side Menu on your Live Site(s)

Last updated on 2023-08-01
The Topics Tree can be seen in the form of a Topic (Site) Map on your KB internal/ or external sites. For details about how to create topics, please see 5344
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 51
  • Total views: 43923
ID: 5212

KB User's Guide - Topics Tab - Create Topic Footers

Last updated on 2023-07-27
This document describes how to set up topic-dependent footers on the Topics tab.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 46
  • Total views: 27369
ID: 24424

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Reference a Collection of Documents with a single URL

Last updated on 2023-07-27
This document will show you how to efficiently reference a collection of documents with a single URL.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 32
  • Total views: 32870
ID: 36926

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Image Guidelines

Last updated on 2023-07-25
This document explains guidelines for images included in your KB documents, including standards for formatting, sizing, and displaying as well as recommended naming conventions.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 130
  • Total views: 49153
ID: 4643

KB User's Guide - General Info - Subscribe to Changes

Last updated on 2023-07-24
The following explains how to receive an email notification whenever a change is made to a document.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 44
  • Total views: 27173
ID: 13761

KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Remove User from This Group

Last updated on 2023-07-24
This document explains the behavior of the Remove User from This Group button on the Users tab in the KB Admin Tools.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 48
  • Total views: 25622
ID: 15205

KB User's Guide - General Info - Embedding KB Content in Another Website

Last updated on 2023-07-24
This document explains the use case and approach for embedding KB content into an external (i.e. non-KB) website or web-based application that your organization manages.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 24
  • Total views: 20944
ID: 81509

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Manually Enterable KB Custom classes

Last updated on 2023-07-24
There are nine custom classes in the KB that do not have a dedicated button in the editor. Users may enter these custom classes anywhere in their document via the source code tool and style them as needed.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 35
  • Total views: 20156
ID: 36795

KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Search and Display Filters on the Existing Users Screen

Last updated on 2023-07-24
Those with permissions to the Users tab can add or edit users in your KB group. This document will show how to filter a
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 43
  • Total views: 27322
ID: 127
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