Classrooms - Services and Reporting a Problem
How to find COMIR-AV services, like asking for a tech orientation in a room or Echo 360 recordings, and how to report a problem with classroom equipment.
How do I ask for help or report a problem?
COMIR services are listed with other campus services at:
Desktop/Helpdesk support, Security, and other COMIR services are all available there.
Here's how to find different Instructional Media/Classroom Technology/AV services:
- Go to
- Look and see if the services you want are listed there.
- If you need something different,
click COMIR
Find the group of services in COMIR
that you need and click it - For instance, here are the three services you can click under "Instructional Media" which is the Classroom Technology/AV group.
Click any of the large items on that page to get to more information
including links to forms to reach the COMIR-AV group about that issue.