Echo360 Asking a Question

This document summarizes how student questions are submitted through the Echo360 platform. These questions can be submitted, viewed and answered in real time during an Echo360 Live session by the instructor, or submitted and responded to asynchronously on a recorded lecture.
Video Instructions:  Video - Asking a Question (4m 5s)

  1. Login into Echo360 Live session.
  2. Select on the Double Bubble icon on the top banner right.
  3. Questions will show in the right most pane.  
  4. Select New Question.
    1. Optional:  Can post anonymously (Note:  anonymous to other students but not to the instructor)
    2. Optional:  Can reference a particular point in the presentation for the question.
  5. Select Post Question
  6. Instructor may elect to answer questions verbally or within the discussion chat.
    1. Click into a question to see answer to your question.  
    2. Click back to return to the list of sorted questions.

1. Students are able to answer questions of fellow students via the discussion chat.  Ask you instructor if peer question answering on the platform is preferred or not.

Screenshot of discussion section