UIUC AnyWare Desktops - Saving, Uploading, and Downloading Files with OneDrive

UIUC AnyWare General Purpose Desktop and Graphics Enabled Desktop have direct integration with campus Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage so that files are retained for future sessions.

Log in to OneDrive

After initiating your session on the General Purpose or Graphics enabled desktop, you must log in to OneDrive to utilize file sync. You can log in to OneDrive by clicking the pop-up message in the lower right of your screen when it appears. You can also find the OneDrive blue "cloud" icon in the bottom right of the system tray. 

One Drive Log in


What folders are sync'd with OneDrive

What folders are sync'd with OneDrive when using UIUC AnyWare Desktops?

The Desktop and Documents folders are automatically sync'd to OneDrive cloud storage. You must log in to OneDrive during each session. 
If you need to save files while working in UIUC AnyWare Desktops, utilizing the Desktop and Documents folders will allow files saved in these folders to be available to you in future UIUC AnyWare sessions. Because of the sync with OneDrive, these same files will be available through the OneDrive app and also OneDrive via Web.
To further explain, the Downloads folder is not sync'd to OneDrive. Any files saved in the Downloads folder will not be available for a future session. 

Files will not be retained for future sessions if they are not saved in locations that sync with OneDrive.
Before logging out of your UIUC AnyWare session, always verify that files saved in your Desktop or Documents folder have synced to OneDrive. 

UIUC AnyWare Departmental Desktops (Library Scholarly Commons or ACES for example) may not offer OneDrive folder sync.
Please see "How is file management handled for UIUC AnyWare Departmental Desktops"?

  • The cloud icon shown alongside Desktop and Documents folders indicates that the folder is sync'd to OneDrive.
File Explorer Image
  • The cloud icon shown alongside a file indicates that the file is sync'd to OneDrive.
Desktop File Image

How to use local computer files with UIUC AnyWare

Can I use files on my local computer with UIUC AnyWare?

If you have files on your local machine that you would like to use on UIUC AnyWare, you have a few options.
1. OneDrive App
Install the OneDrive app on your local machine and log into the OneDrive app with your UIUC campus credentials. You can copy files from your local machine to the Desktop or Documents folder in the OneDrive app.
2. OneDrive via web browser
By navigating to onedrive.live.com and logging in with your campus credentials, you can upload files from your local machine to the Desktop or Documents folder in OneDrive.
3. File Transfer
Transfer files from your local computer to the UIUC AnyWare Desktop utilizing File Explorer. See this answers article https://answers.uillinois.edu/105140

Using other cloud storage options with UIUC AnyWare

Can I use other cloud storage with UIUC AnyWare? 

Box Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, or other cloud storage can still be used via web browser. Keep in mind that any files downloaded and modified will need to be manually copied back to Box Drive or Google Drive, etc...

I see departmental Desktops - How is file management handled for these? 

UIUC AnyWare Departmental Desktops may not integrate with OneDrive for folder sync. 
Before using a Departmental Desktop, please contact a departmental help desk to learn about file management for each respective UIUC AnyWare desktops.
  • If using the EWS Desktop - ews@illinois.edu
  • If using the Gies (College of Business) Desktop -  helpdesk@business.illinois.edu
  • If using the Scholarly Commons (Library) Desktop - help@library.illinois.edu
  • If using the ACES Desktop - aces-acf@illinois.edu


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