Ability LMS - Reports

This document provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the Reports segment within Ability LMS.

Use the outline below to navigate the content listed.

Accessing and Running Reports

Access to the Reports segment within Ability LMS requires elevated access and is not accessible to general users. You must have the either the Reporter or Trainer profile to access the reporting function. If you have questions about elevated access, please contact Learning Systems Support at sharedservices@uillinois.edu

To access the Reports segment, click on Manager Menu in the top navigation bar and then select Reports

Image showing the the MAnager Menu item of top navigation bar expanded to show the Reports segment

There are many types of reports, also referred to as Report Names. Most reporting functions focus on the following two Report Names:

  1. Training Status by Course
    1. This report captures learner history within a specific course or collection of courses and requires learners to have a Finished or In Progress status for their history to be captured.

    2. This report is useful for tracking engagement with courses and it best used for non-mandatory training.*

  2. Learning Track Status By Learner
    1. This reports captures history for all learners assigned to a specific course or collection of courses regardless of their status in said course(s).

    2. This report is useful for tracking compliance with mandatory training, as it returns results for all learners assigned.*

*NOTE: some exceptions apply. If you need assistance determining which report will be most useful, please reach out to Learning Systems Support at sharedservices@uillinois.edu

Image showing the menu of Report Names available in the Reports segment

To run a report, click on the desired Report Name, which will open the Report Filter screen. This is a list of all the different filters, or individual reports, available within the Report Name you selected. Report Filters are named using the course name or ID or the learning track name or ID.

To open a report, click the Select radio button in the Action column of the report you want to run. In the screenshot below, FNTS-ALL is highlighted. If that was the report you needed to run, you would click the Select radio button in the Action column of the FNTS-ALL row to open it. 

Image showing the available list of Report Filters within a Report Name in the Ability LMS Reports segment.

 To the top

Report Type: Training Status by Course

If the specific report you need to access is within the Training Status by Course type, it will have the fields below available. These are default fields and typically cannot be changed or customized. If the report does not have the fields you need, it is likely that a different Report Name may be what you need. 

  • Learner Name
  • UIN
  • Email
  • Course Title
  • Course ID
  • Status Date
  • Home Campus Name
  • Home College Name
  • Home Dept Name
  • Employment Status

Please keep in the mind, the reports available within Training Status by Course are for self-paced and instructor-led courses that are not directly assigned to the learner. For a learner to have a record display on these reports, they must have either an In Progress or Finished status.

 To the top

Report Type: Learning Track Status By Learner

If the specific report you need to access is within the Learning Track Status By Learner type, it will have the fields below available. These are default fields and typically cannot be changed or customized. If the report does not have the fields you need, it is likely that a different Report Name may be what you need. 

  • Learner Name
  • Email Address
  • UIN
  • Home Chart
  • Home College Name
  • Home Dept Name
  • Catalog Name
  • Status
  • Date Assigned
  • Date Completed
  • Courses Completed

Please keep in the mind, the reports available within Learning Track Status By Learner are for self-paced and instructor-led courses that are directly assigned to the learner. This means that all learners assigned will be captured by the report, regardless of their status in any course within the track or catalog.

 To the top

Interacting with Your Report

To use any report within the Reports segment of Ability LMS, the best option is to download the Excel file. To access the Excel file, you need to look for the paper icon with the green plus sign, as you can see in the screenshot below. Select that button and your report will download.

Image showing the export to Excel button for reports within Ability LMS.

Typically, the Excel file will download to your Downloads folder, but that can vary depending on your individual settings within your web browser. Once you find the report in your Downloads folder, you can open it into Excel.

When you open the file, there will be a couple of warning notifications. You will see these questions and must respond in the following way:

  • The file name will be PrinterFriendly.xls and may include a number after the name if you have downloaded multiple reports.
  • The file format and extension

Image showing the warning that results when opening an Ability LMS report in Excel

  • After clicking “Yes” the file may take some time to open. Once the file opens, you will see a new warning at the top of the window. It will tell you the file is in PROTECTED VIEW and you will need to Enable Editing to work with the Excel file. To do so, click on the Enable Editing button at the top.
  • If you want to set the file up to use filtering, you will want to delete Row 1 and then look for the footer rows that contain text. You will need to delete those rows as well.

Example Row 1 to be deleted:

Image showing the first row in an Excel report that should be deleted

Example footer rows to be deleted:

Image showing the three footers rows in an Excel report that should be deleted

Once you have deleted the rows referenced above, you now have a clean Excel file and can filter, search, and edit the document as needed.


KeywordsAbility LMS, learning management system, reporting, reports   Doc ID116579
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-02-07 17:17:30Updated2024-05-15 15:19:20
SitesUniversity of Illinois System, University of Illinois Training and Development Resources
Feedback  2   2