Ability LMS - Courses Segment for the Trainer Profile

This document provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the Courses segment within Ability LMS for users who have the elevated profile of Trainer.

It is divided into the following sections:

Accessing and Navigating the Courses Segment

Access to the Courses segment within Ability LMS requires elevated access and is not accessible to general users. You must have either the Reporter, Trainer, or Training Coordinator profile to access this function. If you have questions about elevated access, please contact Learning Systems Support at sharedservices@uillinois.edu.

Courses provides administrative access to all course types, and it is used to create courses, edit courses, check learner record status, and more.

To access the Courses segment, click on Manager Menu in the top navigation bar and then select Courses.

Image showing the top navigation bar on the Ability LMS home screen with the cursor over the Manager Menu option at the far right and then hovering over the Courses option in the dropdown.

The Courses segment will load with a list view of all the courses to which you have access based on your profile settings, as shown in the screenshot below.

Image showing the list of Courses accessible by the employee with the elevated Trainer profile. Columns from left to right are as follows: Course ID, Course Title, Category, Course Type, Course Unit Type, Status, and Action.

Courses are displayed sixteen (16) per page, and you can navigate through pages using the controls available in the list footer.

Image showing the page navigation footer for the Courses list view. It includes a sequential list of page numbers that can be clicked to view the content of those pages.

You can also search the courses list by Course ID or Course Title. To use the search, enter your search term in the Search box and then click the Go button. In the screenshot below, you can see that the search term “ALMS” was entered into the search box and the courses that match that are shown in the courses list. You can clear your search at any time by clicking the Reset button.

Image showing the COurses list view with the search term "ALMS" entered in the search box that is at the top left of the screen.

To open a course, you can click the Course Title or the action icon in the far-right column of the list.


Course History

After selecting a course from the list, you are taken to the History tab of the course. The History tab displays a list of learners with history records in the course. From this screen, you can check on the statuses of learners, and you can also manually update individual learner statuses.

The History tab provides the exact same navigation functions as the courses list described above, including the search function and the page navigation buttons in the footer.

Once you have located the desired learner, you can click the Action icon to open the learner record edit window. The new window should look like the image below.

Image shoing the history record of a specific learner. This is displaying the properties tab in which a Trainer can update the Status and Completion Status of a learner within a Course.

The learner record edit window opens with the Properties tab active. On the Properties tab, you can make changes to the learner status by using the drop-down lists for *Status ID and *Completion Status ID. Please note that all fields with a * before the field name are required. The Status IDs that are most typically used are In Progress and Finished. The Completion Status IDs most used are In Progress and Complete.

After making changes to the required fields, scroll down the window and click on the Save button. The window will not close, but if you made changes, you will get the message “Changes made to database.” Once you see this message, you can scroll to the bottom of the window and click Close Window button.

NOTE: It is very important to make manual changes to learner statuses when absolutely necessary. Many courses have workflow that automatically updates the course status.

The other two tabs that are of importance are Assessments and Workflow Queue.

On the Assessments tab, you can see the learner’s status in any pre- or post-source assessments associated with course, as shown in the image below.

Image showing the contents of the Assessment tab within the learner history record.

On the Workflow Queue tab, you can see where the learner is in any pre- or post-course workflow steps. This could be things like prerequisites, sign off steps, and assessments.

NOTE: The remaining tabs not addressed above are sets of information for problem solving course history issues. If a user has issues with a course, please contact sharedservices@uillinois.edu.

Image showing the contents of the Wrokflow Queue tab of the learner history record within a Course.


Course Properties

On the Properties tab, you will be able to view all the details and settings for the course, which are created by a Training Coordinator or System Administrator. All fields in the Properties tab (as shown below) are set as view-only for Trainers and are for informational purposes only. If you need to edit the properties of a course, please contact Learning Systems Support at sharedservices@uillinois.edu.

Image showing the Properties tab of a Course, whcihc includes Course Title, Course Description, and other settings that are view-only for Trainers.



Course Workflows

On the Workflows tab, you can view any pre- or post-course workflow steps associated with the course, which are created by a Training Coordinator or System Administrator. Workflow settings and are set as view-only for Trainers and are for informational purposes only. If you need to edit course workflows, please contact Learning Systems Support at sharedservices@uillinois.edu.

Image showing the Workflows tab of a Course, which displays the pre- and post-course workflow settings that are view-only for Trainers.


Course Questions

The Course Questions tab displays a list of all questions that are associated with pre- or post-course assessments.

Image that shows the list of questions associated with an assessment on a course.

Mandatory means that all learners are required to answer the question, Status Name shows whether the question is Active or Inactive, User May Revise shows whether a learner may revise their answer during the review stage of an assessment, and the Action icon opens the Edit a Course Question window for the question.

The Edit a Course Question window opens into the Properties tab. These settings are view-only for Trainers and are available for informational purposes only.

Image showing the Properties tab within the settings of a question, including question text, question type, and feedback.

On the Answers tab, you can view the answers for the particular question. These settings are also view-only for Trainers and are available only for informational purposes.

Image showing the list of answers that are tied to a specific question within a course.


Course Assessments

The Course Assessments tab displays all pre- and post-course assessments associated with the course. These settings are view-only for Trainers and are available for informational purposes only. The screenshot below shows an example of the list of assessments that are associated with a specific course. There may be post-course and/or pre-course assessments. Settings such as the number of questions per assessment and the minimum score required to pass are only editable by Training Coordinators and System Admins. 

Iamge showing the pre- and post-course assessment associated with a course.



KeywordsAbility LMS, Learning Management System, LMS, Courses, Trainer   Doc ID118894
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-06-07 09:05:44Updated2023-08-28 14:44:22
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
Feedback  2   1