Contact Types in Contacts Database (CDB)

This document has information on the contact types available in Contacts Database (CDB), and their purposes.

Contacts are the people (or distribution lists) who should be informed when problems or questions arise with a given item in CDB.

Please note that contact types DO NOT GRANT PERMISSIONS IN CDB. They are merely a list of those who should be notified in the event of an issue. Click here to see how to grant permissions in CDB for IRIS, and here for IPAM. For general CDB permissions, click here.

  • The Primary contact(s) is the technical person who has operational (day-to-day) responsibility and will be contacted first regarding any questions or problems.
  • The Backup contact will be contacted if the Primary contact(s) is unavailable or does not respond.
  • The Administrative contact is managerial rather than technical (typically a department head or manager), representing the unit that ‘owns’ the item.  They will be contacted for help re-establishing Primary and Backup contacts if the ones listed are out of date or not responding.
  • The Other contact is for those who, for one reason or another, have some relationship with the item that is not primarily in a support role. Developers would be an example.
Two Service-type specific contacts:
  • The Service Owner is responsible for the service lifecycle, contracts, and determining appropriate performance and availability measures and targets. They are not Service Administrators or support. For more information, see here.
  • The Service Liaison is the subject matter expert for a service offering, along with its features and tools. They coordinate education and research. They can serve as a point of Contact for the Help Desk. For more information, see here.

You may list more than one Primary, Backup, or Administrative Contact.  Please list at least two Primary/Backup contacts (i.e. two Primary or one of each) and at least one Administrative contact. The administrative contact at least should have 'change contacts' permissions; it is common for the primary to have these permissions as well. 

  • Please do NOT list the same person in multiple contact roles.