University Bursar - How do I submit a sponsor billing authorization?

Each semester, a sponsor billing authorization must be completed. Either a student or sponsor may complete the authorization.

To complete the authorization:

1 Acquire financial guarantee, letter of credit, or voucher from sponsor

2 Log into the sponsor billing portal

3 Complete the online form and upload your financial guarantee, letter of credit, or voucher from your sponsor

4 Click "Submit"

You will receive a confirmation email stating that your authorization has been received. Within 7-10 business days of receiving the authorization, sponsor credits will post to your student account.

These websites are updated regularly so the steps may be slightly different from what is listed above.

Keywordssponsor, billing, authorization, enroll, statement, authorize, 3rd party, third party, employer, employee, loc, LOC, letter of credit, application number, financial guarantee, sf182, SF182, tuition assistance,   Doc ID126869
OwnerKathy K.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2023-03-24 14:23:55Updated2024-08-21 15:42:13
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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