ATLAS VacSick - How to delete entered leave

Learn how to delete entered vacation and sick leave in the ATLAS VacSick application.

After logging into the VacSick application at - we can navigate to the area of the calendar where we want to delete leave. 

We're looking to delete the full sick day taken on January 4. 

full sick day is highlighted in red to emphasize that it can be clicked to edit

First thing we need to do is click on the brown bar that says "Sick: 8 hrs" on the January 4 date. We'll then see the same dialog box for when we originally added that leave. 

hit the delete button in the bottom left

Just one more quick step - we can see as we delete entered leave that the large blue 'Save' button keeps tracks of our changes. 

To confirm the leave we deleted for January 4, we must hit that 'Save' button as shown below:

hit the save button to confirm leave

ATLAS, VacSick, vacation, sick, leave 
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Owned by:
Todd R. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences