ATLAS VacSick - View and approve employee reports

Learn to approve vacation and sick leave reports with ATLAS VacSick.

Red boxes added to emphasize which options to select and will not appear in the application. 

Begin by logging into the ATLAS VacSick application

reports waiting inidicator in top right of screen

First we see that we have a notification in our Reports to Approve dropdown. So we can click the notification icon and then select the report to approve. If there are multiple reports - you can select the 'View All Unapproved Reports' option. This method will take you straight to the pending report. 

We can also get to ALL reports by selecting the 'Report Approval' area as shown below. 

 select the report approvals area in the top navigation

We now can take a look at the Report Options area. These selection will determine which reports we see:

select relevant options for viewing reports

Once in the 'Report Approvals' area - we can put in the Contract Year, Quarter, and Status for reports to view. 

Hit the 'Apply' option to view reports. 

viewing report available based on report options selection - select Edit

We can see that we only have one report available in this time period with the pending status. 

Let's click the 'Edit' button if we need to edit the leave for John Doe during this report window. 

edit hours for John Doe with the accurate numbers

We can now update the sick leave and vacation leave used during this report period - to save those changes, hit 'Save.'

To disregard changes, hit the 'Cancel' option. 

select the View Usage Summary option

If we'd like - we can also 'View Usage Summary' for the user before approval for a more in depth look at leave taken. 

usage summary for john doe - displays usage and accruals to date as well as beginning balance and balance to date.

Now that we have looked at the Beginning Balance, Accruals to Date, Usage to Date, and Balance to Date. 

Let's hit the 'Close' option and approve this report. 

select the 'approval' checkbox and hit the 'set approvals' option

Since we're satisfied with all of the available information - we can select the 'Approval' checkbox and then the 'Set Approvals' option to complete your approval. 

ATLAS, VacSick, vacation, sick, leave, reports 
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Owned by:
Todd R. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences