UIUC Mathematics Email Migration - Continuity

Will mail sent to NetID at math dot uiuc dot edu still be delivered properly.
Q. Will all of my former email names continue to work?  I have signed
up to Math journals, automatic billing of utilities, my Amazon account,
etc; using various email addresses.  Some send me messages quite
frequently, others only once a month or even once a quarter.  Will I
still get those messages?

A. The short answer is yes you will still get those messages.

A. Not too long ago, fifteen or twenty years, lost email would not be
that big a deal.  However technology has progressed tremendously and
email is a vital means of communication.  Here in the Math Department
there are a multitude of places where continuity of email service needs
to continue to function.  There are many emeritus that have papers and
books that are still being referenced and used; pre-2015 they all used
their math.uiuc.edu address.  It is important to us that future
collaborators and students still be able to contact our professors
because of those papers and books.  We will continue to do that by
running a service that will forward email sent to @math.uiuc.edu to the
appropriate @illinois.edu address.

I am using the emertus as an example.  But the answer applies to
everyone that has a math.uiuc.edu account.  There is an alias that will
always point to their new illinois.edu account.

Keywordsmathematics email migration   Doc ID66578
OwnerTony M.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2016-08-31 14:08:47Updated2016-09-02 13:38:22
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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