BeyondTrust (Bomgar) - How to Request Access

New, Update, or Changes to BeyondTrust (Bomgar) access need to be submitted to AITS Security. BeyondTrust (Bomgar) is a remote access tool and AITS Security tracks its use.

Access to BeyondTrust (Bomgar) is a two step process

  • New users - need to request the initial setup
  • Existing users wanting to modify who has access in their group can use the self-service webform

New Users:

Departments, Colleges or other groups who have not signed up for access to BeyondTrust (Bomgar) need to submit a request via email at:
Please note, this is for the initial access request. Once you have your group setup inside of BeyondTrust (Bomgar), there is a different process for adding users to your group. With this initial email request, please let us know who your USC is, so we can setup their access to the self-service tool (see below)

Existing Users:

Once we have setup the group policy inside of BeyondTrust (Bomgar), your USC is able to self-manage your user lists.  Your USC should use this web form to request/modify access.

Keywordsbomgar access new usc how to   Doc ID73324
OwnerTimothy V.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2017-05-16 12:40:21Updated2024-02-01 11:45:25
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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