ATLAS Gradebook - Multiple assignment import scores

Learn how to import multiple assignment scores at the same time with ATLAS Gradebook.

In ATLAS Gradebook, from the 'Import Scores' area of a given course term, we can upload the scores from multiple assignments in a single import. 

We begin with the 'Import Scores' main screen, pictured below:

import scores screen with a red highlight box around 'sample spreadsheet for multiple assignments' link, uploading a file radio button, name assignment score format radio, and choose file button

To get a properly formatted Excel file for import, we'll begin by downloading the sample spreadsheet and updating it with our information. Select the 'sample spreadsheet for multiple assignments' link in the introductory text.

From there, select the 'Uploading a File' and the 'Name / Assignment / Score Format' radio buttons. After we fill out our spreadsheet (pictured below), we'll also select the 'Choose File' button to upload our file. 

filled out spreadsheet following sample format

Above, we have gone into Excel and replaced the sample spreadsheet info with the data specific to our desired import. Note that you may use either netID or UIN to identify the student. The assignment names must be entered in the exact way that they appear in the assignment category in ATLAS Gradebook. 

Once finalized, we'll hit the 'Choose File' button on the Import Scores page. 

select the 'Preview Results' button

Before we are able to save and finalize our import, we'll need to select the 'Preview Results' option (pictured above):

Once selected, in this particular instance, we find two of our scores are specifically noted as 'fuzzy match.' 

select 'include in import' checkboxes if desired - fuzzy match message is highlighted

In ATLAS Gradebook 'Import Scores' - if we have entered a student's netID incorrectly but the incorrect netID roughly resembles an existing netID for the course term, the application will notice that and perform a 'fuzzy match.'

This warning is letting us know the entered netID, the fuzzy matched selection, and the name/netID of the enrolled student. 

We must select the 'Include in Import' check boxes to add these scores to the imported results. 

From here, let's take a look below at the valid results:

select 'save results' to finalize import of scores 

Above, the Valid Results match what was on our report and correspond to enrolled students. If assignment scores are imported more than once for a student, the 'Old Scores' column will display the previously saved score. 

To finalize the import of multiple assignment scores, select the 'Save Results' option. 

We will then see the confirmation dialog box displayed below:

fields are assignment, category, and number of scores imported. we have the optino to view the imported scores or we can hit 'close and return to course term home' or 'close' to stay on the import scores page

Above, we find the Assignment, (assignment) Category, and the Number of Scores Imported for the import just performed. We have the option to view the scores for those assignments at this time. 

From there, everything is saved - so we may select 'Close and Return to Course Term Home' or we can select the 'Close' option to stay in the Import Scores area. 

gradebook, assignments, multiple assignments, import scores 
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Todd R. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences