ATLAS FormBuilder - Lifecycle - How to Build a Routing Trigger

This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a routing trigger meant to perform certain actions when specified criteria is met.
When building a form, routing triggers are useful for several purposes. 
  1. Change phases: In order to change the status of the form from one phase to the next, a routing trigger needs to be put into place.  
  2. Send emails: Emails can be sent once the phase has changed to notify the form responder of the changes that have occurred in the process.
  3. Set question value:  Setting a question's answer value.
  4. Fire Webhook:  Incur a webservice call.

1.) To set up a routing trigger, go to the 'Routing Triggers' option beneath the Data Collection and Form Lifecycle tab.  

2.) The phases and existing routing triggers of your form will be displayed in a flow chart with a list of existing routing triggers underneath.  To edit an existing routing trigger, select 'Edit' on the routing trigger you want to work on.  To create a new routing trigger, select '+ Add New Trigger' in the header bar.  

3.) Specify the name, number of triggers per period and per form response, and the trigger evaluation time of the routing trigger.  

Trigger Name:  Name of trigger.

Number of trigger per period (for all forms): Determines how many triggers will occur per form response.

Number of triggers per form response: Determines how many triggers will occur per form response.

Trigger evaluation time: Determines when the trigger takes place.

Active Status: Determines whether or not trigger is active.

Stop Further Evaluation: Keeps form response from continuing to be processed by other triggers in the form.

4.) To learn more about settings for trigger conditions, go to ATLAS FormBuilder - Lifecycle - Trigger Conditions Explained.

5.) Remember to save your changes.