WebStore, Adobe Creative Cloud SDL and NU Package Distribution

Information for IT Support about the WebStore Adobe Shared Device License (SDL) and Named User (NU) packages

Three WebStore offers are available for the distribution of the Shared Device and Named User packages.

Quick Facts

---Shared Device (SDL) packages are licensed by the device the package is installed on. They are for university-owned shared devices includes labs, classrooms, and other shared University computers intended for student use.

---Named User (NU) packages are licensed by a user’s university NetID. They can be installed on any computer whose end user has an active Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise subscription.

---An Adobe account and web-based authentication is required on both SDL and NU package installations. For this reason, an internet connection is required.

---If you are supporting department software and need access to the WebStore NU and SDL packages, please email webstore@illinois.edu and request to be added to the IT Pro eligibility group.

---WebStore Adobe NU and SDL packages are updated monthly, usually during the middle of the month (but may be timed to coincide when the most updates are available). The Adobe package updates bulletin will list the entry dates after packages are updated.

---Adobe SDL and NU packages for IT Pros are available from WebStore and should be used for managed computer deployments in departments that are NOT subscribed to Endpoint Services

---If the department is subscribed for Tech Services EndPoint Services, then IT support should refer first to EPS provisioned packages, and contact the EPS team with questions.

---Custom packages can be created on request with options to bundle a group of applications together, include compatible plugins, add-ons, choose a specific platform, enable self-service, or get an older version.

How are the standard Adobe WebStore Adobe NU and SDL (IT Pro) packages different from the downloads directly from Adobe?

---IT Pro Adobe Creative Cloud applications are packaged individually, each with a Creative Cloud Desktop installer.

---For Managed packages, the Self-Service installation option is disabled by default. This option disables the ability of non-admins to install and update applications from the Adobe Apps Panel.

---Remote Update Manager is enabled. This allows IT Pros to remotely invoke the updater on a client machine.

---Installing a WebStore NU or SDL managed package on a computer that has Adobe apps from other sources will disable the end user’s ability to install and update applications from the Apps Panel (in Creative Cloud desktop and the user’s Enterprise Adobe account) even if they had prior access to it before. They will see the message “You don’t have access to manage apps” and will see a blank screen on the Apps tab. If you want to keep the end user’s access to the Apps Panel, then download and install the app from Adobe directly or use the NU Self Service package offer.


Details about the Shared Device License, (SDL) for Labs/Classrooms/Shared Workstations

 Where can I install this package?

---Shared Device (SDL) license installations are intended for university-owned shared devices, including labs, classrooms, and other shared University computers intended for student use. 

---Be aware that the sign-in process to Adobe will indicate that the computer is a shared device.

How are Adobe SDL applications authorized?

---All Adobe SDL applications will require the user to sign in with their university email address. A paid Enterprise Adobe subscription is not required for the SDL license because the computer the SDL package is installed on will hold the license.

---All UI campus students are automatically assigned a free Adobe Creative Cloud Express account with their university email address. This account will authorize SDL Adobe apps on Classroom, Lab, and other shared computers.

---In rare cases, Faculty and staff can use an SDL licensed device as an auxiliary third computer, which will not count against the two-computer sign-in limit that the Named User license requires.

Details about the Named User (NU) license

Where can I install this package?

---This software may be installed on any computer. However, only the Self Service NU package will allow non-admins to install and update Adobe applications from the Adobe Apps Panel. This is useful when a managed computer does not allow non-admins ordinarily to manage their apps.

---Self Service packages for Adobe provide automated updates and easy user access to the complete Creative Cloud Suite of Adobe products and services. If your department does NOT maintain regular updates for Adobe software, we HIGHLY suggest that you install the Self Service packages for Creative Cloud and Acrobat since Adobe programs will cease to work if they are not regularly updated. Installing a Self Service package will allow non-admins to update their Adobe programs, download and install the compatible app versions from Adobe directly and decreases IT overhead. 

---The rest of the packages will disable this option and the end-user will see the message “You don’t have access to manage apps” from their Adobe Creative Cloud account once the managed package is installed.

How are Adobe NU licenses authorized?

---All Adobe NU applications will require the user to authenticate with an Adobe account. Customers registered with active UI Enterprise Adobe subscriptions from WebStore will be redirected to their UI Campus SSO login to authenticate first.

---Adobe NU licenses can also authorize with a personal user account (which may also be associated with a University ID). However, it is not the WebStore UI Enterprise Adobe subscription and may not have access to the same Creative Cloud applications. Only Enterprise accounts will redirect to the campus SSO.

---Faculty and staff members at all UI campuses have access to a free annual WebStore Adobe enterprise subscription and should sign in with their Enterprise account.

---UI campus undergraduate and graduate students must also have an active annual WebStore UI Enterprise Adobe subscription to use the services and apps that come with the UI plan. Only UIUC campus students have free subscription access currently.

---Department funding may be used to pay for UIS and UIC student employee annual Adobe subscriptions through the WebStore Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise Access for Student Employee offer.

---NU licenses will authorize the use of an Adobe application to be used on two computers at one time. If a third computer tries to sign into an Adobe account that has reached the limit, a message should appear that gives an option to sign out of one of the other computers so that the application can run.


More information about Adobe NU and SDL packages:

More Adobe resources:


If you have a question about Adobe NU or SDL packaging, please contact the WebStore at webstore@illinois.edu.