Event Attendance - How to Add an Administrator to a Group

This tutorial shows how to add an administrator to a group.
To watch a video tutorial on how to add an administrator to a group, check out:
1.) Navigate to the Unit Administration tab and click 'Unit Groups.'
The "Unit Administration" page of Event Attendance. The side navigation menu's "Unit Administration" option is highlighted, as is the "Unit Groups" link in the center of the page.
2.) You will be brought to a page titled Unit Groups Administration. Locate the group you want to add an administrator to. On the left hand side, there will be a a gear icon on a drop down menu. Once you open the drop down menu, click on 'Administrators.'
The "Unit Groups Administration" page of Event Attendance. The settings menu of one of the listed unit groups, which has been highlighted, has a cursor placed over its "Administrators" option. An arrow is pointing to this option as well.
3.) On the new page, click the green 'Add New' button.
The "Administrators" page for a unit group in Event Attendance. The list of administrators for this unit group is empty, and the "Add New" button has been highlighted.
4.) The new page will say Add New Group Administrator. Under the box that says 'Add New Administrator netID, type in the netID of the administrator and their name should show up to the left in green.
The Add New Group Administrator page for a unit group in Event Attendance. The page's main field, which asks for the NetID of the new administrator, has been highlighted.
5.) Next, select what kind of administrator you want to make them. The options are listed at the top of the page and also here: 
  • Viewer - can view attendance but not take attendance
  • Attendance Taker - may take attendance but only view the attendance that they have taken
  • Owner - can edit event settings, view all attendance, and take attendance
Note that adding someone as an Owner will automatically add them as an Attendance Taker and Viewer as well. 
Once you have selected the permissions, click the green 'Add New' button. 
The "Add New Group Administrator" page of a unit group in Event Attendance. The checkboxes that affect the settings for the new administrator's permissions have been highlighted, and have an arrow pointing to them.
6.) The administrator you just added should appear in a box with their name on the left side and their permissions on the right. Here you can continue to add more administrators if you wish by clicking the green 'Add New' button, or you can click the dark blue 'Return To Group Administration' button.
The "Administrators" page of a unit group in Event Attendance. The new administrator has been added to the page's list of administrators (which is highlighted), and their given permissions are listed in their entry's  "Permissions" column.
See Also: 
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Event Attendance, ATLAS, administrator, groups, 
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Beckett A. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences