Event Attendance - How to Edit an Event Name

This tutorial will describe how to edit an event name in the Event Attendance application.
1.) Navigate to the Take Attendance tab and click on the blue 'Choose Existing Event' button. 
The "Take Attendance" page of Event Attendance. The "Take Attendance" option in the left-side navigation menu is highlighted, as is the "Choose Existing Event" button in the center of the page.
2.) You will see a list of existing events. Click on the event you want to edit. 
The "Existing Events" page of Event Attendance. Inside the "Your Events" section at the top of the page, one of the existing events has been highlighted.
3.) You will be brought to the event page. Click the link for 'Advanced Options.'
The page for an individual event in Event Attendance. At the top of the page, the "Advanced Options" link is highlighted.
4.) Type in the new event name in the provided box and click the green 'Update Event' button. 
The "Event Settings" page for an event in Event Attendance. The editable "Event name" field has been highlighted.
5.) You will be brought back to the event page. The title should now show the updated event name. 
An individual event page in Event Attendance. The event's title, which has recently been modified, is displayed at the top of the page, and is highlighted.
See Also: 
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Event Attendance, ATLAS, edit, event name, 
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Beckett A. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences