Purchasing - Copying Banner Purchase Orders for Renewal Orders

Copying Banner Purchase Orders for Renewal Orders

This guide provides step-by-step procedures for copying a purchase order (PO) to a new requisition (REQ) for processing into a new PO. If this process is not followed, requisitions submitted for annual orders may be invalid and may need to be cancelled and re-submitted.

Some important things to remember during this process are:

  • Transaction Date – Renewal orders must have a 01-JUL-20XX transaction date or later, where XX = the upcoming fiscal year.
  • If the order will be used for the entire year, make the delivery date 30-JUN-20XX. The delivery date must not be any earlier than 01-JUL-20XX.
  • Document text – Do not delete the original Document Text which appears from the copied PO. It will serve as document history.
    • Update any outdated information to the current information.
    • DO NOT delete, overwrite, or rearrange information.
    • DO NOT enter text on blank lines or lines with clause numbers in them.
    • If any new information is needed, scroll all the way to the bottom of the text and enter it there. The buyer will place it in the appropriate place within the document text when they create the Purchase Order.
    • Include the departmental contact person along with a complete phone number including area code, fax number, and email address.
    • Review order type (Regular/Standing). If you would like to change the order type, request your preference in Document Text.
  • Follow the commodity description procedures, by deleting the generic commodity code description and typing an actual description of the item being ordered.
  • Verify the vendor ID is still accurate and has not changed.
  • Review pricing on the order to ensure prices have not changed or make changes accordingly.
  • Review your FOAPAL information. If you are using STATE FUNDS, make sure you remove the prior FY Fund number and use the new FY state fund in your FOAPAL. Please check all FOAPAL segments for accuracy.
  • Review estimated annual expenditures so you can provide an accurate estimate of new FY expenditures.
  • Purchasing will review prior FY expenditures for renewal purchase orders and may contact the department and adjust the encumbrance accordingly.

A requisition that is less than the small purchase limit but greater than or equal to $10,000 must include documentation demonstrating competition from multiple vendors. See 7.2 Purchase of Goods and Services in the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures manual for additional information.

The Copy feature lets you copy data from a completed-posted-approved purchase order or a canceled or closed purchase order to create a new requisition document.

In order to capture the most complete data, always copy the purchase order. This data will include all of the original requisition information as well as the buyers’ special statements. Do not copy the original requisition.

The steps below show how to copy an existing purchase order to create a new requisition for a renewal order.

  1. Type FZAREQN in the Search field and press ENTER.
  2. Click the Copy button, located to the right of the Requisition field.
    NOTE: Leave the Requisition field blank. Do not type NEXT, a requisition number, or the purchase order number.
  3. Type the purchase order number in the Purchase Order field. Press the Tab key.
    NOTE: Leave the Requisition field blank. Do not type the REQ number in the Purchase Order field.
  4. Review the vendor ID number and name in the Vendor field.
  5. Click the OK button.
    NOTE: A new requisition number is immediately assigned. Be sure to record this number in the department’s requisition log.
  6. Type the appropriate date in the Transaction Date field or select using the Calendar button.
    NOTE: The transaction date must be 01-JUL-20XX or later on requisitions for renewals of annual orders for the new fiscal year.
  7. Type the appropriate date in the Delivery Date field or select using the Calendar button. The delivery date may be the final date of the new fiscal year, 30-JUN-20XX.
  8. Select Document Text from the Related menu.
    NOTE: Do not delete the original information in Document Text! Remember to use Document Text to reference information about the order to the buyer.
  9. Click the Next Section button to edit or type information (up to 50 characters per line).
    NOTE: You may uncheck the Print box on the lines that you do not want to print on the order. Examples:
    1. “FYXX Cancels and replaces P00XXXXX 07-01-XX thru 06-30-XX.” “Quote #C8766—via email.” “Dept. Contact: John Smith 217-333-1234.”
    2. “Recommend this order to be set up as a Standing Order.”
    3. Reference the renewal year to show the balance of the contract period. For example, "This is year 2 of a 5-year contract."
    4. Reference quote numbers, contract numbers, or solicitation numbers as appropriate.
  10. Click the Insert button to add more lines.
  11. Click the Save button to save the document text.
  12. Click the Close button to return to FZAREQN.
  13. Do NOT enter or change any information in the Comments field.
    1. For renewal orders, this field is used for solicitation and contract numbers ONLY. Purchasing enters this information in a specific format.
  14. Click the Next Section button to see vendor information.
  15. Verify whether the vendor ID is correct. If it’s correct, skip to step 17. If it’s wrong, go to the next step.
  16. Enter the correct vendor ID in the Vendor field. Skip to step 19.
    NOTE: You cannot change the default vendor information if you change the vendor. To do so, you need to submit an updated Vendor Information Form, available from Vendor Payment Forms.
  17. Verify whether the vendor address is correct. If it’s correct, skip to step 19. If it’s wrong, go to the next step.
  18. Click the Search button next to the Address Type or Sequence fields to select a different vendor address. If the address is not listed, submit an updated Vendor Information Form, available from Vendor Payment Forms.
    NOTE: You can change the vendor address only if the vendor ID is correct in step 15. Please include any vendor contact information (Sales Rep, email address, etc.) that you may have.
  19. Click the Next Section button to see information in the Commodity/Accounting section.
  20. Press TAB to review all the fields for an item.
  21. Review pricing and make pricing changes, if necessary.
  22. In the Description field, delete the default commodity code description and enter the vendor’s catalog number (if available) and a brief description of what you are purchasing.
    NOTE: No more than 35 characters are allowed in the Description field. Defaulted commodity information may be changed or removed if needed and new records may be added.
  23. Select Item Text from the Related menu to enter any additional information for that item.
  24. Repeat steps 20-23 as needed for each item.
  25. Click the Next Section button.
  26. Type or edit any additional information.
    NOTE: You do not need to repeat the information from the Description field (step 22).
  27. Click the Save button to save item text.
  28. Click the Close button to return to FZAREQN.
  29. Click the Next Section button.
  30. Review the FOAPAL information for accuracy.
    NOTE: Make sure State Funds are updated to the current fiscal year. Delete any prior fiscal year State Funds.
  31. If you made any changes to the quantities in the Commodity/Accounting section, make sure to TAB through the lines to allow Banner to recalculate the requisition.
  32. Click the Next Section button.
  33. Click the Complete button to complete the requisition for approval.
    Click the In Process button to put the requisition in process to complete at a later time.
  34. Click the Close button to return to the main menu.
  35. Click the Close button again to exit Banner.

requisitions, purchasing, procurement 
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