SANDI - Charges Report

View all charges, including inpatient charges, alongside each other in the Charges Report. Payments and adjustments , discounts and taxes are also in this report.

Access the Charges Report in one of two ways:

  1. From the Patient Dashboard under the Client Information Box by selecting the drop-down next to Client and choosing Charges Report
  2. Go to VetMed Reports & Queries and select Client Charges Report. 
  3. The current date is shown by default but you can adjust the dates. 

Note: you can export or print the report. 


Keywordscharges, audit, payment, down payment,   Doc ID119515
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2022-07-11 15:30:22Updated2024-07-29 14:17:25
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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