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Results: 1-8 of 8

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Connecting to shared folders on FILES (the SCS file server)1178422023-07-202569
2New NMR File Server (NMRFS)1231002023-07-181581
3SCS Clusters1043652024-02-2112538
4Software - Chemical Databases (web)1049742023-10-244092
5Tutorial - Quantum Chemistry with Gaussian using GaussView1036082024-03-214991
6Tutorial - Quantum Chemistry - Determining the pKa of Simple Molecules Using Gaussian 20161030372024-03-215514
7Tutorial - Quantum Chemistry - Simulating Vibrationally-resolved Electronic Spectra Using Gaussian1030702024-03-217332
8Tutorial - Quantum Chemistry - pKa Estimations using Gaussian1036212024-03-214821

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