Results: 1-20 of 62

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Cybersecurity, Phishing Attacks from IRS Lookalike110025University of Illinois Technology Services2023-08-022542
2University Bursar - What happens to my UI-Pay Payment Plan if I withdraw from school?92568University of Illinois System2024-05-136303
3University Bursar - Is my payment plan covered by insurance?106597University of Illinois System2024-04-157711
4University Bursar - How do I estimate my UI-Pay Payment Plan budget?92571University of Illinois System2024-04-1517551
5University Bursar - When will my UI-Pay Payment Plan payments post to my student account?92449University of Illinois System2024-04-157269
6University Bursar - How do I use my 529 College Savings Plan to pay my student account?104025University of Illinois System2023-12-185630
7University Bursar - How do I rebalance my UI-Pay Payment Plan budget?92572University of Illinois System2024-05-1016004
8University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Salary Plan135781University of Illinois Human Resources2024-05-09144
9University Bursar - When are the Payment Plan enrollment deadlines?90470University of Illinois System2024-05-01170719
10University Bursar - What charges are eligible to be included in a UI-Pay Payment Plan?92448University of Illinois System2024-04-1512461
11Canvas@Illinois, New DesignPLUS Sidebar Alternative Access Plan135681University of Illinois Technology Services2024-02-27231
12University Bursar - How can I access my UI-Pay Payment Plan information?92569University of Illinois System2024-02-1211806
13Emergency Operations & Business Continuity Plan [Campus login required]128532UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-01-26194
14Illinois App, Meal Plan How-to122082University of Illinois Technology Services2024-01-031050
15University Bursar - Can I cancel the UI-Pay Payment Plan once I have enrolled?92567University of Illinois System2023-12-1816117
16University Bursar - What is OnPlanU (Flywire™)?90476University of Illinois System2024-01-269260
17University Bursar - How do I initiate an offer on OnPlanU (Flywire™)?122978University of Illinois System2024-01-262070
18University Bursar - What if I am unable to pay my bill and leave school still owing a balance on my student account?91079University of Illinois System2023-09-016786
19University Bursar - How do I enroll in the optional UI-Pay Payment Plan?92560University of Illinois System2024-05-10137056
20University Bursar - What happens if I fail a UI-Pay Payment Plan payment?92563University of Illinois System2024-04-1511864
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