Results: 241-260 of 602

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
241HR-72 RELOCATION OF ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES 138633University of Illinois Human Resources2024-07-30242
242HR-78 SEVERE SANCTIONS OTHER THAN DISMISSAL FOR CAUSE FOR MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY138636University of Illinois Human Resources2024-07-30228
243HR-79 SEXUAL MISCONDUCT 138637University of Illinois Human Resources2024-07-30249
244HR-83 TRANSFER OF SICK LEAVE AND VACATION CREDIT 138645University of Illinois Human Resources2024-07-30216
245Zoom, Event Hosting for University of Illinois Attendees with Guest Speakers106009University of Illinois Technology Services2024-07-255561
246Zoom, Event Hosting for University of Illinois Attendees only105821University of Illinois Technology Services2024-07-255789
247Zoom, What type of information is approved to share in a Zoom meeting?101334University of Illinois Technology Services2024-07-254504
248Office 365, Email, Exchange, Delegates47990University of Illinois Technology Services2024-07-249597
249HOWTO - Fix the CrowdStrike "Blue Screen of Death" reboot cycle138571School of Chemical Sciences
250Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Add or Remove a Doctor Name from Bottom of Weekly View103334UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-07-183766
251UAFR - Order Red & White "State of Illinois, University of Illinois" Stickers135408UI Training and Development Resources2024-07-121269
252University Bursar - What are the benefits of having an Authorized Payer?90461University of Illinois System2024-07-1211003
253Suspicion of Animal Cruelty138361UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-07-11656
254Zoom: Grey Boxes Obstructing Window While Screen-Sharing129234School of Information Sciences2024-07-1010907
255Zoom: Creating Polls Ahead of Time129176School of Information Sciences2024-07-09936
256Microsoft 365 Sharing Links121214University of Illinois Technology Services2024-07-052533
257Office 365, Outlook for Windows & Mac, Open Shared Calendar107902UI Gies College of Business2024-07-022527
258Office 365, Email, Exchange, Setting up Apple Mail48011University of Illinois Technology Services2024-07-0118990
259U of I Box, Protecting PHI with Box Health Data Folders Policies and Guidelines80935University of Illinois Technology Services2024-06-2713957
260Canvas@Illinois, Table Captions, Headers, and Scope137979University of Illinois Technology Services2024-06-26757
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