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Banner Workflow Student Grade Change Request

This document provides instructions for Banner Workflow Users in the role of Student Grade Change Approver.

You may log into Workflow using the directions in the email


Or by navigating to the worklist by logging into Banner Workflow from the website Click on Banner Workflow located in the Process Automation Category.

Log in using your NetID and Password


When Banner Workflow opens, you will see a worklist for the worklist items assigned to your role (Student Grade Change Request Approver) as a Banner Workflow user. The name of the worklist item contains the Student UIN, Term, CRN Student Name and SGR.  

To the left of the worklist is the navigation clicking on Home allows the use of the Workflow Status Search and Workflow Alerts

Clicking on Profile shows the User Profile, My Processes and User Information

On the Homepage, clicking on the worklist name will open the transaction. 


Once the worklist item opens, you will see the page below where you are able to render a decision.


  • Choose “Approve or Deny” (not Accept or Deny) to render a decision, then click “Complete” when ready to route the worklist item on. If “Deny” is chosen, provide a reason for the Denial.

  • Choose “Save & Close” if you wish to save the decision but are not ready to complete the worklist item and route it on. Choosing “Save & Close” will save your entry on the form and keep the worklist item in your worklist for you to complete at a later time.

  • Choose “Cancel” to exit the form without saving and return the worklist item to your worklist for you to complete at a later date.

  • If you do not complete the worklist item, you must release it or the worklist item only appears in your work list. Other workflow users that have access to see the worklist item will be unable to view or complete the work item until you release it.

The worklist below shows worklist items that are in the ready and performing state. When a worklist item is ready, all users in the role may work the transaction. When a worklist item is performing, the worklist item only appears in the person's worklist who clicked on the transaction. To release the worklist item click the magnifying glass in the View Details column.



The application will open the View Item Details. To release the worklist item click the Release arrow. The worklist item will now appear in the worklist for all users in the role.


Once you release the worklist item, you will automatically return to your worklist where the worklist item will be in the ready state.

KeywordsBanner Workflow, Student Grade Change Request Approver, worklist, approver   Doc ID106432
OwnerAITS Business Process AutomationGroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2020-10-06 16:19:11Updated2023-05-08 14:11:47
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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