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Adobe Sign - How do I find my Group Admin
To gain access to send documents (agreements) out for signature using Adobe Sign, contact group admin listed for your unit. They will approve and provision an Adobe Sign account for you.
Find your Group Admin by:
- Navigate to the folder with the list of current Group Admins on Box. This is updated monthly.
- Download or view the most recently uploaded list. You will see Group Admins are listed by University and Department and the .CSV file is updated regularly.
- This list is System-wide, so it's very long - for best results, use CTRL+F or browse to find your unit and Group Admin's contact information.
- Once found, email your Group Admin directly to request access to Adobe Sign.
Please note, groups are responsible for adding and deleting Group Administrators.
If you do not find an existing group or Group Admin for your unit, contact your Unit Security Contact (USC). USCs can provision accounts for a unit/department by registering an Adobe Sign group and appointing a Group Admin. Complete and submit the Adobe Sign Access Request form: Once the group is activated, the appointed Group Admin can provision sending accounts as needed for their users. If a USC wants to act as Group Admin, their backup USC must complete the Access Request form.
Please visit the University's eSignature page for full Terms of Service, Frequently Asked Questions, and relevant policies. KnowledgeBase also has several helpful KB articles about using Adobe Sign and its many features.