EDDIE - Inventory or Fixed Assets Reports

EDDIE Inventory/Fixed Asset Reports

The EDDIE Fixed Asset reports are part of the finance reports and must be requested by the Unit Security Contact (USC). Access is requested using the AITS Security Application.

If the user needing access is not a USC, they will need to contact their USC to request access on the user's behalf. Users can find their USC on the Find my USC website.

If the user needing access is a USC, another USC within the department will need to submit the request. USCs are not permitted to request access on their own behalf.

KeywordsEDDIE Inventory Report, Fixed Assets Report, AITS, Fixed Asset   Doc ID35808
OwnerAlex H.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2013-12-10 15:21:09Updated2023-02-13 08:00:01
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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