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Tableau - Where can I get a license?

This is general information for questions regarding AITS provided Tableau Server Enterprise Service.

The Tableau Desktop Professional license is available for purchase directly from Tableau, please reach out to our Tableau university contact, Peter Comer Tableau, A Salesforce Company for additional information. Tableau Server is an enterprise service available to all university clients to publish and share. We recommend to contact Illinois WebStore for the special pricing available for the university.

Additional information:

1. Tableau Desktop trial license (14 days) is available to anyone.

2. Need more time than the initial trial period?  We have a few loaner Tableau Desktop licenses you can use or we can get you an additional six-week extension.

3. For AITS users, a few licenses are available. Please contact the AITS Service Desk.

4. Also, recommend contacting the Illinois WebStore for the possibility of available University licenses.

For additional information, please see other Tableau FAQs.

AITS, Tableau, Data Visualization, Dashboard, AITS, DS, tableau, Tableau User Group, FAQ 
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Jayesh P. in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System