Banner - Requisition - Disapproved/change

I want to know how to DISAPPROVE a Banner requisition and then change it from document accounting to commodity.

If the requisition has Document Accounting and should have Commodity, the requisition will need to be disapproved and sent back. You will need to do the following:

  • Go to the page where it lists all of the commodity codes. 
  • It gives commodity codes and FOAPAL strings. The FOAPAL string was highlighted.
  • Click on the record
  • Go down to Remove and click on it
  • Go up and remove Document Accounting and select Commodity 
If this does not work, please email AITS Service Desk at or call them at (217) 333-3102 or (312) 996-4806 and they will send a ticket to the group for you.

For more information on requisitions, please visit the OBFS website. Click Purchases, then Job aids.

AITS, banner, finance, procurement/ purchasing, requisition, disapproved/change, finance, procurement, purchasing, 
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AITS ADSD Finance in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System