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AITS - Service Desk - myIllini - Unable to View Financial Aid Award (Admitted Students)

You should be able to view your financial aid award without having to accept your offer of admission or entering Enterprise credentials. If you are unable to view your award, follow these instructions.


When checking your financial aid award as a newly admitted student to the Illinois campus, you are prompted to log in with a NetID and password but you do not have these credentials.

Financial Aid checklist item

When you click the UI-Integrate Self-Service link in the Financial Aid section of the Freshman Admitted Checklist on the myIllini website, you should immediately see your financial aid award.  But instead you are prompted for a NetID and password.


If you have previously enrolled in NetMath or previously attended the University of Illinois, you will need to do one of the following:
Newly admitted students should always access their financial aid award through the myIllini site.

Enterprise,password,Enterprise Login error,admissions,new student,freshman,admitted,checklist,financial aid,award,UIUC,Urbana,Champaign,Illinois 
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AITS Service Desk in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System, University of Illinois Technology Services