RIMS - Transferring Records to Archives
Records Transfer
Arrangements should be made with the University Archives on the appropriate campus to secure materials in place or transfer them to the Archives for permanent retention.
When the requirement for retention indicates records should be transferred to the University Archives, departments will need to follow the procedures established by the Archives to complete the transfer process. More detailed information for the specific University Archives transfer process on your campus can be found by emailing the applicable Archives via the links below or by contacting the RIMS office.
Chicago - lib-spec@uic.libanswers.com
Springfield - archives@uis.libanswers.com
Urbana-Champaign - illiarch@illinois.edu
Once an inventory is complete and the transfer procedures have been followed, the materials can be transferred to the University Archives. (When your unit is ready to move materials, refer to the contact information under the Records Management - Planning a Move section of the Records Storage page for the next steps.) When the transfer is complete, your unit should submit confirmation to the RIMS office verifying completion of the materials transfer.
Have a question that isn't answered here or need more specialized guidance? Please reach out!
Records and Information Management Services
Visit the Contact RIMS page of our website to get in touch!
Urbana Office: Rm. 450 Henry Administration Building (HAB), M/C 359
Chicago Office: Rm. 258 Roosevelt Road Building (RRB), M/C 010