GitHub Shared Service - How is a user invited to a University of Illinois GitHub organization?
This article explains how a user is invited to a University of Illinois GitHub organization
How a User is Invited to a University of Illinois GitHub Organization
This section describes the process that a user goes through when they are invited to be a member of a University of Illinois GitHub organization. Once the user authenticates with their University credentials and joins the organization, their GitHub account will be linked to their University account.
Invitation Process
Once an organization owner has invited a user to join an organization, the user will receive the following email from GitHub:

Upon clicking the “Join” button in the invitation email, the user will be sent to a GitHub page requesting that they authenticate to join the organization:

Next, the invited user will be directed to a university login page where they are prompted for their NetID and password:

After authenticating their university account, the user will then be directed to a GitHub login page. They will have the option to sign in with an existing GitHub account or create a new GitHub account:

After the user logs in or creates a GitHub account, they are now a member of the organization they were invited to and can access any available contents:

Finally, now that the user is added to the organization, the organization owner(s) will see that the user's GitHub account has been linked to their university account: