AITS - KB Admin - KnowledgeBase - What happens when a KB document expires?

This provides an overview of the KB document expiration timeline.

Knowledgebase documents will be reviewed every 6 months by the document owner. A six month time period allows the document owner to receive and respond to feedback from the community about the document. The document owner can decide to renew the document, if it is still useful or request inactivation of the document if it is no longer useful.

Document owners will receive up to three separate emails regarding documents as their expiration date approaches:

  1. First reminder email: 14 days before expiration
  2. Second reminder email: 7 days before expiration
  3. Expiration email: sent on day of expiration

The knowledgebase document will expire if no action is taken, in which case the document will no longer be accessible to anyone. We ask that document owners review the documents after the receipt of these messages. It is important that the document owners take ownership of this process, the knowledgebase group will provide support during this process.

If knowledgebase documents have been expired for more than 30 days, the knowledgebase team will again contact the document owner with a request for further action. If no response is received from the document owner the KB Team will either reassign the document to another owner or inactivate the document. It is important that the content of the knowledgebase be current, useful and relevant.

For critical and frequently used KB documents, the KB Team may take immediate action to ensure information remains accessible

AITS, expired, documents 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
AITS Service Desk in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System