AITS - Service Desk - Affiliates - Affiliate Access to Enterprise Applications
Step 1: The sponsoring unit must request a UIN and NetID for the external affiliate
This step differs by the location of the sponsoring unit:
If the sponsoring unit is in this location... | ...then follow these instructions |
The external affiliate must submit an External Affiliate Request Form which requires a university employee to be listed as the Sponsor: |
All other UIUC units not listed above | The sponsoring unit must request the sponsored NetID on behalf of the external affiliate using this procedure: |
All UIC units | The sponsoring unit must request the sponsored NetID on behalf of the external affiliate using this procedure: |
Step 2: The external affiliate claims their NetID, sets a password, and configures 2-Factor Authentication
Once the NetID is set up, the external affiliate will receive an email with instructions for configuring their NetID, setting up their password, and configuring 2-Factor Authentication. 2FA is required for UIC and recommended for all others.
Step 3: The sponsoring unit sends a request for application access
The Unit Security Contact (USC) for the sponsoring unit must submit an access request on behalf of the external affiliate. The application/reports, and NetID/UIN of the external affiliate must be included in the request.
Step 4: The external affiliate connects to the campus VPN
All university applications require a campus network connection. If connecting remotely from off-campus, this connection requires you to first connect to a VPN server.
If you are connecting through this campus... | ...follow these instructions to configure a VPN connection |
UIUC | |
UIC | |
UIS | Connecting to UIS vpn |
Once the external affiliate connects to the VPN and has been granted access to the application requested in Step 3, they will be able to access the desired resources.