AITS - Service Desk - Kahua - Accepting Invite and Logging In

Instructions for accepting the invite and logging into Kahua

It is recommended to use Chrome web browser to access Kahua

Look for Kahua Invitation Email and Activate Kahua Account

  1. Open your personal email box.
    1. Look for an email from Kahua with a subject line that says Kahua Invitation.

      Email Inbox Showing Kahua Invitation

  2. Open the Kahua Invitation email.
  3. Click on the Open Kahua button at the bottom of the email. The Kahua identity verification page will open. The screen will request a code. The code will be sent to the same email box.

    Kahua identity verification page

  4. Go back to or reopen your personal email box
    1. Look for an email from Kahua with a subject line that says Kahua Verification Code.

      Email with Kahua Verification Code subject

  5. Open the Kahua Verification Code email.
  6. Use the code provided in your email to go back to the Kahua identity verification page and enter in the box labeled Code.
    1. Click on the Verify button at the bottom of the screen after you enter your code.

      Kahua verify button location

  7. The Kahua Company Information page will open.
    1. Verify your name is correct. It will also show your company information.
    2. Check the Accept Terms of Service Agreement. (There is a link to read them)
    3. Click on the Complete Registration button on the bottom right of the screen.

      complete registration button location

  8. You will see a screen that says your account is being setup. When it’s complete, click on the Sign In button.

    Account setup loading bar and sign in button

  9. You will see a sign-in screen. This will display your name and provided work or personal email address used to activate your account. If you’re coming back to login after the initial setup, you will see the same screen (if you checked the Remember Me box) or the one that asks you to enter your email address. Use your work or personal email address that you used to activate the account and it will push you to use the University’s SSO pages.

    sign in screen

  10. You will need to select how SSO will log you in with your new university NetID username. As a University Affiliate for this application, you must select University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign regardless of where you are working on projects. Staff of the University will select their location of employment. Check the box to Remember my choice. Then click on the Select button.

    Campus Selection Screen

  11. When you check the Remember my choice box, the screen to confirm that selection will appear. It is hard to see the button’s text but click on the Save and continue button. You should skip those steps during SSO log in moving forward.

    Save and continue button location

  12. You will now see the standard university authentication log in screens. As a University Affiliate, enter your new university NetID username followed by (Ex: Staff of the University will use their standard university email login.
    1. Click on the Next button.
    2. Enter your NetID password.
    3. Click on the Sign in button.

      Sign in screen

  13. Kahua access requires Duo two-factor authentication (2FA). The NetID activation guide provides the steps to setup Duo.
    1. If you have not setup your 2FA preferences yet, Duo will walk you through setting it up now. You will see a Welcome to Duo Security screen, similar to the image below on the left, and you will need to follow the prompts and instructions to setup 2FA.
    2. If you have setup your 2FA preferences, you will see a Duo 2FA pop up, similar to the image on the right, that will either push an approval to your phone’s Duo app, text a code to your phone, or other method that you have setup.
    3. The first time you use 2FA on a new login, you may be asked to confirm the device your using is your 2FA device. Click on Yes, this is my device.
    4. You will see a Duo Success screen and then be logged into Kahua.

      DUO Screens

NetID, Invitation, Vendor, PRZM, VSA, PSP, UOCP, CAPS, prism, kahuna, kahlua, capital programs 
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