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University Bursar - How do I rebalance my UI-Pay Payment Plan budget?

The Payment Plan owner can rebalance the payment plan within UI-Pay.

1 Log into your student account through the Access page

2 Select "Payment Plan"

3 Select the blue "Agreement ID#"

4 Select "Adjust Balance"

Please Note: If there are additional charges or credits, Payment Plan budget adjustments may be necessary. University Bursar will send you (and anyone you have granted Payment Plan access), an email notification to rebalance. Failure to rebalance may cause a financial hold to be placed on your student account, preventing you from registering for future terms. 

The student account balance must be paid in full by the end of the semester. 

These websites are updated regularly so the steps may be slightly different from what is listed above.

KeywordsUI Pay, payment plan, financial, student, account, balance, university bursar paymybill, rebalance, budget, student account, adjust, change, re-balance, adjustment, adjustments, adjust, hold, rebalanced, rebalances, UIPAY, uipay   Doc ID92572
OwnerKathy K.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2019-06-20 10:58:00Updated2024-08-21 15:30:04
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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