Results: 1-7 of 7

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1AITS - Service Desk - TDX - Not Receiving Email Notifications from TeamDynamix1104222024-05-092221
2University Bursar - Why do I owe a balance if I have a sponsor paying my student account?1268702024-12-061547
3University Bursar - Why do I have a financial hold on my student account?1224482024-10-308310
4University Bursar - Why have I been charged multiple times for tuition and fees?1065962024-09-134734
5University Bursar - Why do I have a campus-based loan hold on my account?904552024-09-1312681
6University Bursar - Why was I charged a health service fee?904642024-07-129378
7University Bursar - Why hasn't my financial aid posted to my student account?904582024-07-1212450

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