Top Documents of the Week
- UPB - Web Time Entry 9x Resources
- Training and Development Resources Homepage
- UAFR - Sign in to My-UI-Financials
- System HR - Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Training for Mandated Reporters
- Chrome River – Delegate in Chrome River
- UPB - Access to Electronic Form W-2/1042-S/1095-C
- UPB - Benefits Overview Resources Page
- Chrome River – Submitting Invoices in Chrome River
Most Recently Updated Documents
- Denodo - Creating Data Sources from Box
- iBuy - Completing the PO Special Payment Request Form
- Denodo - Access and Permissions Within a Denodo VDB
- UAFR - My-UI-Financials Access Manager - Removing Roles
- iBuy - Processing E-Quotes for CDW-G (Catalog)
- iBuy - Processing E-Quotes for the Volunteer Supply Industries LTD(VSI) and CDW-G Apple Products Punchout Catalog
- Denodo – Setting Up EDW Service Account
- University Bursar - Student Account Payment Request Workflow