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UAFR - Approving Attribute Changes

Approving Attribute Changes
  1. Log in to Biennial Inventory.
  2. Move your mouse over the Physical Verification tab and select Attribute Approvals.
  3. Select the appropriate cycle in the Attribute Approvals field.
  4. Click the Update Org List button.
  5. Select the appropriate Chart and Org code(s) under Show Items for.
  6. Click the View Items button.
  7. Review changes in the Updated Values column.
  8. To review and approve items individually, click the View/Approve Details button for that item, then go to the next step. To approve many items at once, skip to step 15.
  9. Review changes in the Updated Values column of the Inventory Detail window.
  10. Click the Add Comment button to add a new comment, or skip to step 13 if you don’t want to add a comment.
  11. Type your comment in the text field.
  12. Click the Save icon.
  13. Click the Approve All Updates button if you approve the changes. The Inventory Detail window closes, and a success message displays to let you know that the change has been updated.
  14. Repeat steps 8-13 to approve changes to other item records as needed.
  15. To approve multiple items at once (for example, if you’ve already reviewed all the details), select items to approve under the Select column or click the Select All PTags button to select all items.
  16. Click the Approve button if you approve the changes. A success message displays to let you know that the changes have been updated.
  17. Click the Logout link in the top right corner when you’re done.

KeywordsApproving Attribute Changes   Doc ID119248
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-06-23 11:32:21Updated2024-02-02 11:00:05
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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