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iBuy - Setting Up and Using Ship To Address

Setting Up and Using Ship To Address

Adding Ship to Address Options to Your Profile

  1. Log in to iBuy.
  2. Click User (silhouette) at the top right of the page.
  3. Select View My Profile .
  4. Review the all the information on the User’s Name, Phone Number, E-mail, etc. page for accuracy.
    NOTE: Updates to a user’s phone number must be done through My UI Info. All other updates should be done through the Unit Security Contact (USC).
  5. Click Default User Settings on the left column.
  6. Select Default Addresses .
  7. Click Select Addresses for Profile .
  8. Enter the Banner 6-digit Ship To Code (if known), your Chart and the first 3 digits of your Org Code (without the dash), or street address in the Nickname/Address Text field.
  9. Click Search .
    NOTE: If you do not locate your specific address in iBuy, complete the Banner Ship To Address Add Form found in the Purchases Forms section of the OBFS Home Page.
  10. Select the radio button next to the desired address.
  11. Leave the Nickname field as is.
    NOTE: It is not recommended to rename the default Banner 6-digit Ship to Code as personalized nicknames. Punchout Catalogs use the Banner 6-digit Ship to Code to validate access. If the Banner 6-digit Ship to Code is altered, access to the Punchout catalog can be denied.
  12. Complete the required Location field. This detail is to support the information from Banner in Address Lines 1 through 3 . Examples include building name, room/suite number, floor location or email address.
    NOTE: Do not enter a street address in this field.
  13. If this is your primary address, check the Default box. As the Default , this address will auto-populate when creating a requisition.
    NOTE: Multiple addresses may be added to your profile, but you must have a Default Address selected.
  14. Click Save .

Using Ship-To Address Options on a Requisition

  1. Click Proceed to Checkout once draft cart is completed.
  2. To change your default Ship To on the requisition, under the Shipping section, click the pencil icon to edit.
  3. Review the address options and select one of the radio buttons next to the address you would like to use. These are addresses you have added to your profile using the steps above.
  4. Once you select the Ship To , the full address will display, verify, and populate the Location field. Examples include building name, room/suite number, floor location or email address.
  5. Click Save Changes .
  6. Confirm the Attn: field is set correctly. You may change this field to the individual who requested the order or will be receiving the shipment.

Keywordspurchasing, procurement   Doc ID120238
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-04 09:38:42Updated2024-05-07 10:07:51
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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