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iBuy - Processing E-Quotes for CDW-G (Catalog)

Processing E-Quotes for CDW-G

CDW-G may offer an additional discount for certain orders. Usually these are custom orders, or they are for a large quantity or a large dollar amount.

  1. Contact a CDW-G representative directly by calling 877-826-1289 or emailing
    NOTE: Inform the representative that you would like an e-quote and that you are from the University of Illinois. Provide your order details to the representative.
  2. Obtain your quote number.
  3. Login to iBuy.
  4. Select the CDW-G sticker under Computer & IT Supplies.
  5. Type your quote number in the Find My Quote field.
  6. Select Find It.
  7. Select Add to Cart.
  8. Select Checkout.
  9. Select Transfer Shopping Cart.
    NOTE: The window will redirect to your updated iBuy shopping cart.
  10. Select Proceed to Checkout.
  11. Finalize and complete the order in iBuy.

Keywordspurchasing, procurement   Doc ID120239
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-04 09:42:24Updated2024-05-01 11:46:36
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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