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iBuy - Completing the Solicitation Information Form

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to complete the Solicitation Information Form.

The Solicitation Information Form (SIF) is to be completed for requests of all types for solicitation of services and commodities for UIC, UIS, and Systems Purchasing. UIUC Users should submit a completed UIUC Solicitation Information Form as an internal attachment to an iBuy requisition.

The purpose of the Solicitation Information (SIF) is to:

  • Provide the Purchasing Department with adequate information to formulate an appropriate solicitation method in accordance with the department's needs and requirements, University policy, and best practices.
  • Ensure compliance with the Illinois Procurement Code and its rules, and other applicable Procurement laws including the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities (BEP) Act.

Use the following steps to submit a Solicitation Information Form:

  1. On the iBuy homepage under the University Forms section, select Solicitation Information Form.
  2. Review the instructions and download the Solicitation Information Form (SIF) that is linked in the instructions.
    NOTE: This will need to be filled out, saved, and attached within the iBuy Solicitation Information Form.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Enter iBuy Bid Vendor or @01829825 in the Supplier field.
  5. Select Search. The iBuy Bid Vendor address will automatically select.
  6. Select Next.
  7. On the Attachments page, select Add Attachments.
  8. Select Upload on the Attachments prompt that appears.
  9. Enter the name of your Solicitation Information Form (SIF) file downloaded from the Instructions page in the Title field.
  10. Select Choose File to select your completed Solicitation Information Form (SIF) file.
  11. Select Save Changes then select Save Changes a second time and the popup box will close.
  12. You may attach more than one document by repeating the steps 8 to 12. You will be prompted for Display Order of the attachments. If this does not matter to you, leave at the default setting of Last.
  13. Once the document(s) are attached, you have the option to Edit the document or Delete the document on the Attachments page.
    NOTE: Attachments will also live on the requisition within the Internal Notes and Attachments section where they can be edited and removed.
  14. Select Next.
  15. Enter a brief description of the services or supplies to be solicited.
  16. For the Estimated Dollar Amount, set the Unit Price to $.01 to start the SIF process.
    NOTE: After IFB/RFP is awarded and posted on the Procurement Bulletin, the requisition will be returned to the department for you to update the vendor information and dollar amount.
  17. Select Next.
  18. The Review and Submit requisition screen will appear. There is no action required.
  19. Select Add and go to Cart.
  20. Enter the Commodity Code or select the search button if you do not know the commodity code, to search by a portion of the code or description. This field is not currently required.
  21. Select Proceed to Checkout.
  22. Select Place Order to submit the requisition.

Editing the Requisition Before Submitting the Order

  1. On the left navigation column of iBuy, select Shop, then select My Carts and Orders, then select Open Active Shopping Cart.
  2. Select the section of the form you need to edit.
    NOTE: Much of what would be editable is within the Order Details section.
  3. Edit and select Save Progress.
  4. Select Back to Requisition on the top left corner of the Solicitation Information Form.
    NOTE: Do not select Add and Go to Cart or the order will be duplicated.

Editing the Requisition Once Purchasing Sends the Order Back for the Supplier and Unit Price Details

  1. On the left navigation column of iBuy, select Shop, then select My Carts and Orders, then select Open Active Shopping Cart.
  2. Find the Cart Number/Requisition Number.
  3. Select the Shopping Cart Name associated with the Cart Number.
  4. Scroll down the requisition to the Vendor Details section and select Solicitation Information Form.
  5. On the left side of the form, select Suppliers.
  6. In the Supplier field, search for the Supplier name or Supplier ID that won the bid.
    NOTE: Do not populate the other fields.
  7. Select Search.
  8. Select the Business Purchase address.
    NOTE: By default, the preferred BP address will be bold and selected. Unless otherwise instructed, this should be the address used.
  9. Select Next.
  10. If you also need to update the Unit Price, select Form Fields. Otherwise, skip to step 13.
  11. Enter the correct awarded amount to override the Unit Price.
  12. Select Save Progress.
  13. Select Back to Requisition on the top left corner of the form.
  14. Select Place Order.
    NOTE: The order will now route back to Departmental Approval and Purchasing Department.

purchasing, procurement 
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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources