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iBuy - Shipping to Central Receiving Center - UIUC

Shipping to Central Receiving Center - UIUC

Orders being shipped through the Central Receiving Center require two address designations:

  1. The Central Receiving Center address to the vendor
  2. The Ultimate Destination address

The vendor will include the Ultimate Destination address on the package, which becomes the routing instruction for Central Receiving Center’s redistribution on the campus.

To Enter Shipping Address for the Central Receiving Center

  1. Click the User icon.
  2. Select View My Profile.
  3. Select Default User Settings and then Default Addresses.
  4. Click Select Addresses for Profile.
  5. Enter 1CRCU1 in Nickname/Address Text.
  6. Click Search.
  7. Select the radio button next to 1CRCU1.
  8. Enter the ultimate destination in the Location text box (for example: 111 East Green Street MC597).
  9. Click Save.

To Edit Shipping Address on a Requisition

  1. Hover over the Shop icon.
  2. Hover over My Carts and Orders and select Open My Active Shopping Cart.
  3. Open the appropriate cart by clicking the shopping cart name.
  4. Click Proceed to Checkout.
  5. Click Edit (pencil icon) within the Shipping section.
  6. Scroll down to the list of your Profile Addresses.
  7. Select one of the following:
    1. Select the radio button next to 1CRCU1 if this address is already in your list.
    2. Use the search additional box and type 1CRCU1 and click Search (magnifying glass icon) to find the address.
  8. Enter the ultimate destination if the Location text box is blank.
  9. Click Save Changes.

purchasing, procurement 
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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources