Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > iBuy

iBuy - Invoice Approver

Role: Invoice Approver

The Invoice Approver role can approve, return, or forward invoices within their specialized Invoice Approver Queues.

Invoice Action

  1. Log in to iBuy.
  2. Click Action Items (flag icon) on the top right corner of iBuy.
  3. Click Invoices.
  4. Expand the Invoice Queue to view the invoice available for processing.
  5. Select the Invoice No. link that needs approval.
  6. Click Assign To Myself while you are reviewing the invoice. The assigned invoice will report under My Invoice Acknowledgements.
  7. Select the action to perform by clicking the arrow next to Approve & Next.
    1. Approve
    2. Return to Shared Folder
    3. Place Invoice on Hold
    4. Forward
    5. Reject Invoice
    6. NOTE: You cannot edit the invoice.
  8. (Optional) To enter a comment or attachment, open the invoice. Click the arrow next to the invoice number at the top of the iBuy page, then click Add Comment. To save, click Add Comment. A second way to add a comment is to click the Comments tab at the top of the invoice, then click the plus sign. Click the check mark to save.

purchasing, procurement queues 
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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources