Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > Requisitions

Purchasing - Creating a Requisition

Creating a Requisition
  1. Type FZAREQN in the Search field and press ENTER.
  2. For a new requisition, type NEXT.
    To finish an in-process requisition, type the requisition number or click Search, then Filter. Enter the search criteria and click Go. Double click the requisition number you want to finish.
    To copy a requisition or PO, click Copy and type the requisition or purchase order number.
  3. Click the Go button.
  4. TAB and fill in the Transaction Date field.
  5. TAB and fill in the Delivery Date field.
  6. TAB and fill in the Comments field (optional) – use to document “bid item,” “sole source,” or “fixed asset.”
  7. Click the Next Section button.
  8. Type your Organization code in the Organization field.
  9. Select Document Text from the Related menu to open Procurement Text Entry (FOAPOXT), then click the Go button. Enter information for the buyer (e.g., attachment is being sent via fax), then click the Go button and type information (up to 50 characters per line).
  10. Click the Save button.
  11. Click the Close button.
  12. Press TAB through the rest of the fields, editing as needed.
  13. Change the information in the Attention To field, if necessary.
  14. Click the Next Section button.
  15. Type the Vendor number or click the Search button, select Entity Name/ID Search and query on the vendor.
    1. NOTE: If a PO hold has been placed on a vendor profile, a Banner (*ERROR*) message will appear. The purchase requisition may be submitted and approved, but the transaction will not be completed until the review process has been completed by the Purchasing Division.
    2. Continue completing the requisition by clicking the OK button, if desired.
  16. Select a different BP Address Type by clicking the Search button, if desired.
  17. Press TAB through the rest of the fields to make any changes.
  18. Click the Next Section button.
    NOTE: If you do not want Document Level Accounting, clear the Document Level Accounting box before entering any FOAPAL information.
  19. Type a commodity code for the item of purchase or click the Search button to find the code.
  20. Delete the default commodity code description and place a single period (.) in the Description field. After the period, enter the vendor’s catalog number and a brief description of what you are purchasing. (No more than 35 characters. Use upper and lower case text.)
  21. Press TAB and fill out the U/M, Quantity and Unit Price fields.
  22. Press TAB to calculate the Extended Amount.
  23. Select Related, Item Text, Go to add Item Text. Type a description of the item to be purchased (only 50 char/line).
  24. Click the Save and Close buttons when Item Text entry is complete.
  25. If you are purchasing more items, click the Insert button and repeat steps 19-24.
  26. Click the Next Section button when all items are entered.
  27. Type or use the Search button for FOAPAL codes as needed.
  28. To allocate how much of the order will be charged to a particular FOAPAL, either:
    Press TAB to move to the Extended Amount percentage box, click to select it, and type a percentage in the Extended field.
    Press TAB to move to the USD field and type the dollar amount.
  29. If you need to add FOAPAL(s), click the Insert button and go back to step 27.
  30. Click the Next Section button.
  31. Verify the Status fields display “BALANCED.”
  32. Record the requisition number for your records (first field).
  33. Click the Complete button if you are finished with the requisition.
    Click the In Process button to save and complete later.
  34. Click the Close button to return to the main menu.

Keywordsrequisitions, purchasing, procurement   Doc ID120350
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-08 11:53:00Updated2024-02-02 11:00:06
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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