Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > iBuy

iBuy - Using Copy to New Cart

iBuy: Using Copy to New Cart

Effective August 2022, orders copied prior to this date may encounter an error message which reads “Required: Banner User Id” on the requisition. This job aid outlines the steps to copy a requisition to a new cart as well as how to resolve this error message.

IMPORTANT: Punchout Catalog orders cannot be copied to a new cart; instead, a new order must be created each time.

Steps to Copy to New Cart

  1. Select a requisition that you would like to replicate.
    NOTE: If the vendor or line items do not match your needs, do not copy the requisition. Instead, create a new order.
  2. Select Copy to New Cart from the Available Actions/Options drop-down menu which can be found by selecting the ellipsis icon (i.e., “…”) in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Select Proceed to Checkout once your draft cart is completed.
  4. Review the details of the new requisition before submitting.
    NOTE: Review Ship To details and update as necessary.
    NOTE: If you are a Requestor, enter the C-FOAPAL and submit the requisition. If you have a Code Favorite set as a default, it will populate into the requisition. See the Code Favorites job aid to assist with C-FOAPAL entry.
    NOTE: If you are a Shopper, submit the requisition into workflow for the Department Account Coder to enter the C-FOAPAL.

How to Resolve the Required: Banner User ID Error

When Banner User Id is required, your requisitions will display a “Required: Banner User Id” error message in the upper right corner under Correct these issues. You can resolve this error by following these steps:

  1. Select the Required: Banner User Id link.
  2. Select the down arrow next to the field.
  3. Select the value equal to your UIN.
  4. Select Save.

Keywordspurchasing, procurement, shopping, requisitions   Doc ID122247
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-11-01 11:48:32Updated2024-04-29 15:52:53
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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