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Topics Map > Equipment Management
UAFR - Process a FABweb Transfer
An interdepartmental transfer occurs when an equipment item is transferred from one department to another. An interdepartmental transfer is permanent and not a temporary loan.
FABweb transfer transactions may include both inventory and non-inventory equipment items.
Please review the related policy and procedure: Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual – 12.3.1 Transfer Equipment to Another Unit.
FABweb Unit Roles in Transfer Process
There are four roles involved in an interdepartmental transfer of equipment. Depending upon the size of your unit, you may work in more than one of these roles.
- Originating Unit Rep: This person initiates the transfer in FABweb.
- Originating Unit Approver: This person approves the transfer in FABweb in order for equipment to move out of the originating unit.
- Receiving Unit Approver: This person approves the transfer in FABweb in order for equipment to move into the receiving unit.
- Receiving Unit Rep: This person coordinates and verifies the physical transfer of equipment and then updates the property records appropriately in FABweb.
Initiate a Transfer in FABweb (Originating Unit Rep)
The Originating Unit Rep should follow the steps outlined in this section in order to initiate a transfer in FABweb.
Prepare to Initiate a Transfer
The Originating Unit Rep must gather key information about the equipment items being transferred before working in FABweb. The Originating Unit Rep can use either of these tools to gather the information:
- UAFR - Asset Search: The Inventory Details page of the FABweb Asset Search functionality provides all of the necessary information in one convenient location.
- UAFR - Banner Fixed Asset Master Query Page (FFIMAST): The Acquisition Information and Procurement Information sections of FFIMAST provide all of the necessary information.
The Originating Unit Rep will gather this key information:
- Identify the PTag or OTag of Inventory Equipment: The Originating Unit Rep must have the PTag or OTag number of all inventory equipment items being transferred.
- Identify the Serial Number or Description of Non-Inventory Equipment: The Originating Unit Rep must have both the serial number and description of all non-inventory equipment items being transferred.
- Identify the Chart and Organization Code of the Receiving Unit: The Originating Unit Rep must have the Chart and Organization code of the receiving unit.
NOTE: All inventory and non-inventory equipment items included in a single FABweb transfer transaction MUST be going to the same new Chart and Organization code. - Check the Chart and Organization Code of the Custodial Unit: The Originating Unit Rep must verify that their unit is in custody of the inventory equipment items being transferred. The Originating Unit Rep can only initiate transfers for equipment items belonging to their unit. If another unit is in custody of the equipment items, then the Originating Unit Rep must request that unit transfer the items.
- Check the Title To Status of Inventory Equipment: The Originating Unit Rep must verify that the inventory equipment items being transferred are titled to the State of Illinois. If the items are titled to Federal or Other, then the Originating Unit Rep must obtain approval to transfer the items from the appropriate Sponsored Research office: Sponsored Programs Administration (UIUC), Sponsored Programs (UIC), or Office of Research and Sponsored Programs – Post-Award (UIS).
NOTE: All inventory equipment items included in aFABweb transfer transaction MUST have the same Title To status. - Check the Family Status of Inventory Equipment: FABweb will not allow a family of items to be split apart in a transfer. If a unit wants to transfer a parent or a child item separately, then the Originating Unit Rep must contact University Property Accounting and Reporting (UPAR) to request assistance by emailing If a unit wants to transfer an entire family of items together, then the Originating Unit Rep should follow the steps outlined below.
Initiate the Transfer
- Log into FABweb.
- Select the Transfer tab.
Add Inventory Equipment Items to the Transfer
- Under the Find a Record section, add the first inventory equipment item by entering either the nine-digit PTag number in the PTag field or the nine-digit OTag number in the OTag field.
- Select the Add a Banner Asset button.
NOTE: The item record will appear at the bottom of the screen under the Assets to be transferred section. If a family of items is added, then the parent and child records will all appear under the Assets to be transferred section, but only the parent item will have an editable Location field. - Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additional inventory equipment item with the same Title To status that you would like to transfer to the same new Chart and Organization code.
Add Non-Inventory Equipment Items to the Transfer
- Under the Add a Non-Banner Asset to this transfer section, add the first non-inventory equipment item by entering both the serial number in the Serial Number field and the description in the Description field.
- Select the Add a Non-Banner Asset button.
NOTE: The item record will appear at the bottom of the screen under the Assets to be transferred section. - Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each additional non-inventory equipment item that you would like to transfer to the same new Chart and Organization code.
Enter the Receiving Unit Chart and Organization Information
- Under the New Organization Info section, enter the Chart of the receiving unit into the COA (Resp) field and the six-digit Organization code of the receiving unit into the Org (Resp) field.
- Select either of the Refresh buttons (green arrows) next to the COA (Resp) or the Org (Resp) fields to update the values.
Review the List of Equipment Items Included in the Transfer
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Assets to be transferred section to view all equipment items included in the transfer.
NOTE: Select the More Info link for any item to review detailed information in a pop-up window. - It is possible to remove equipment items from the transfer in this section, if needed.
NOTE: When only one item is included in a transfer, you can remove the item by selecting the Cancel Entire Transaction button. When more than one item is included in a transfer, a trashcan icon will display next to each item, and you can select this icon to remove that specific item. - It is possible to save your progress and return to finish the transfer later by selecting the Save This Info button.
NOTE: The transaction will be saved under the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue, and any inventory equipment items included in the saved transaction will be locked for editing by other FABweb users.
Remove the Location Code from All Equipment Items
- Under the Assets to be transferred section, delete the Location code from the Location field of the first item.
- Select the corresponding Refresh button (green arrows) and verify that the Location field is blank.
- Repeat steps 14 and 15 for each item until all the Location fields are blank.
- Scroll to the top of the screen and select the Forward Transfer tab.
Review Contact Information and Add Comments
- Verify that the Contact Person, Phone, and E-mail fields are accurate.
- Enter a comment in the Comments/Notes field with a brief description of the transfer.
NOTE: This field has a 100-character maximum.
Save to Excel
- Select the Save to Excel button to generate a spreadsheet containing all the transfer information for your reference.
NOTE: You will not be able to access the transfer information after you forward the transfer to the next step in the workflow, so you are strongly encouraged to use the Save to Excel function to generate a record for your reference. Each person in the transfer workflow will have an opportunity to save the transfer as a spreadsheet, so if you do forget to do this, you should contact the next person in the workflow to request that they generate the spreadsheet and send it to you.
Forward the Transfer to the Originating Unit Approver
- Select the Submit button to forward the transfer to the Originating Unit Approver.
NOTE: FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Originating Unit Approver.
Check Status of the Transfer
The Originating Unit Rep should use the FABweb Check Status functionality to confirm that the transfer that was just created displays and shows the Unit/Role # as “Originating Dept/Approver” and the Status as “Unclaimed” which indicates that the transfer is in progress, but has not been claimed by the Originating Unit Approver. For more information, please refer to the job aid: UAFR - FABweb Check Status.
View Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on
The Originating Unit Rep can view all transactions which they are working on by looking in the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue which is located at the bottom of the FABweb Home tab. Any transaction in this queue can be opened by selecting the Transaction # link. If the Originating Unit Rep logs out of FABweb before submitting or canceling a transaction, then that transaction will be locked to the Originating Unit Rep and no one else will be able to work on it until the Originating Unit Rep submits or cancels it.
Declined Transfers
If the transfer is declined at any point after the Originating Unit Rep submits it, FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Originating Unit Rep, and the transfer transaction will be available in the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue. The Originating Unit Rep can then make changes to the transfer transaction and re-submit or cancel the transfer, if needed.
Approve a Transfer in FABweb (Originating and Receiving Unit Approvers)
Both the Originating Unit Approver and Receiving Unit Approver should follow the steps outlined in this section in order to approve or decline a transfer in FABweb.
Log into FABweb
- Log into FABweb.
NOTE: You may also use the link in the FABweb notification email. - Select the Home tab.
Claim the Transfer
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Unclaimed Transfers/Surplus/Disposals queue and select the appropriate Transaction # link to claim it.
NOTE: The transaction will move to the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals that I am working on queue after you claim it and will be locked so that other FABweb users are not able to work on it. - Select the Transaction # link from the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals that I am working on queue in order to edit the transaction.
Review the List of Equipment Items Included in the Transfer
- Verify the read-only information on the Transfer Summary tab.
NOTE: Select the More Info link for any item to review detailed information in a pop-up window. - Scroll to the top of the screen and select the Forward Transfer tab.
Review Contact Information and Add Comments
- Verify that the Contact Person, Phone, and E-mail fields are accurate.
NOTE: Only for Receiving Unit Approvers: Select a Receiving Unit Rep to receive the transfer in the Forward To: field. This is the person in the receiving unit who will coordinate and verify the physical transfer of equipment and then update the property records appropriately in FABweb. - Enter a comment in the Comments/Notes field with a brief description of the transfer.
NOTE: This field has a 100 character maximum.
Save to Excel
- Select the Save to Excel button to generate a spreadsheet containing all the transfer information for your reference.
NOTE: You will not be able to access the transfer information after you forward the transfer to the next step in the workflow, so you are strongly encouraged to use the Save to Excel function to generate a record for your reference. Each person in the transfer workflow will have an opportunity to save the transfer as a spreadsheet, so if you do forget to do this, you should contact the next person in the workflow to request that they generate the spreadsheet and send it to you.
Approve or Decline the Transfer
- Approve or decline the transfer:
- Select the Approve button to approve the transfer and forward it accordingly.
NOTE: When the Originating Unit Approver approves a transfer, then FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Receiving Unit Approver. When the Receiving Unit Approver approves a transfer, then FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Receiving Unit Rep. - Select the Decline Transfer button to decline the transfer and return it back to the Originating Unit Rep.
NOTE: FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Originating Unit Rep.
- Select the Approve button to approve the transfer and forward it accordingly.
Receive a Transfer in FABweb (Receiving Unit Rep)
The Receiving Unit Rep should follow the steps outlined in this section in order to receive a transfer in FABweb.
Prepare to Receive a Transfer
- The Receiving Unit Rep will receive an FABweb notification email when a transfer has been approved by both the Originating and Receiving Unit Approvers.
- The Receiving Unit Rep should review the transfer in FABweb as soon as possible in order to begin coordinating with University movers.
- At this point, the Receiving Unit Rep should NOT add the new Location code to each equipment item included in the transfer and should NOT submit the transfer to Banner until AFTER the equipment has been physically received by the unit, which may take several weeks.
Receive the Transfer
- Log into FABweb.
NOTE: You may also use the link in the FABweb notification email. - Select the Transfer tab.
Claim the Transfer
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Unclaimed Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue and select the appropriate Transaction # link to claim it.
NOTE: The transaction will move to the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals that I am working on queue after you claim it and will be locked so that other FABweb users are not able to work on it. - Select the Transaction # link from the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals that I am working on queue in order to edit the transaction.
Review the List of Equipment Items Included in the Transfer
- Verify the read-only information on the Transfer Summary tab.
NOTE: Select the More Info link for any item to review detailed information in a pop-up window. - Scroll to the top of the screen and select the Forward Transfer tab.
Review Contact Information and Add Comments
- Verify that the Contact Person, Phone, and E-mail fields are accurate.
- Review the comments from the Receiving Unit Approver.
NOTE: Only the Receiving Unit Approver’s comments will display; comments from the Originating Unit Rep and Originating Unit Approver will not display.
Save to Excel
- Select the Save to Excel button to generate a spreadsheet containing all the transfer information for your reference.
NOTE: You are strongly encouraged to use the Save to Excel function to generate a record for your reference. - At this point, if you want to decline the transfer, select the Decline Transfer button and enter a reason for declining in the Comments/Notes field, and the transfer will be returned to the Originating Unit Rep.
NOTE: FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Originating Unit Rep.
Contact University Movers
- Follow the appropriate procedures for scheduling University movers which are outlined in 12.4.3 Dispose of Unneeded Equipment. Contact information:
- Chicago: Chicago - Facilities Management Service Desk
- Springfield: Springfield - Facilities Scheduling and Services
- Urbana-Champaign: Urbana - Facilities and Services
Complete a Transfer in FABweb (Receiving Unit Rep)
Once the receiving unit is in possession of the transferred equipment items, the Receiving Unit Rep should follow the steps outlined in this section in order to complete the transfer in FABweb. Change in custodianship is not officially established until the transfer has been submitted to Banner.
Complete the Transfer
- Log into FABweb.
- Select the Home tab.
Claim the Transfer
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue and select the appropriate Transaction # link.
Add the New Location Code for Each Inventory Equipment Item
- Enter the new Location code in the Location field for the first inventory equipment item.
NOTE: Please refer to Location code spreadsheets listed under the FABweb Home tab. - Select the Refresh button (green arrows) and verify that the Location code is correct.
- If only one inventory equipment item is being transferred, skip to step 7. If more than one inventory equipment item is being transferred, repeat steps 4 and 5 for every item.
- Make a note of the PTag number for every inventory equipment item being transferred because you will need this information when you are ready to update the Custodian and Equipment Manager fields.
- Scroll to the top of the screen and select the Forward Transfer tab.
Submit the Transfer to Banner
- Select the Submit to Banner button.
Update Custodian and Equipment Manager for Inventory Equipment Items Only
- While logged into FABweb, select the Update tab.
- Enter the first PTag number that you noted in step 7.
- Select the Find button.
- Select the Unit Info tab.
- Select the Update button.
- Enter the UIN of the new custodian in the Custodian field.
NOTE: The Custodian is the person using or responsible for the equipment item. - Select the Refresh button (green arrows) and verify that the custodian’s name is correct.
- Enter the UIN of the new equipment manager in the Equip Mgr field.
NOTE: The Equipment Manager is usually the Unit Rep for the department. - Select the Refresh button (green arrows) and verify that the equipment manager’s name is correct.
- Select the Save this Info button.
- Select the Finalize Transaction tab.
- Select the Submit to Banner button.
- Repeat steps 11 to 21 for each transferred inventory equipment item with a PTag number.