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iBuy - Change Request Process in iBuy (Purchasing Only)

Those with the Buyer role have access to create a Change Request on a Purchase Order in iBuy.

The Create Change Request function allows an electronic change to an existing order that was placed using the Purchase Requisition Form or Standing Order Form. The change is also imported into Banner. Change requests should not be processed in Banner because those changes will not be imported and reflected in iBuy.

It is always a good rule of thumb to check Banner to confirm a change request has not been created directly on the PO in Banner. In the future, as all orders originate from iBuy and Banner this will become less of an issue.

Additionally, when checking Banner for change requests make sure to take note if there are any pending invoices against the PO. This is important to do before starting a change request in iBuy and/or before selecting Close PO if you have been asked to do so. Partially Matched or Fully Matched POs allow for a Change Request creation as long as the Invoice Pay Status is not paid. To close a PO in iBuy follow the steps below:

  1. Use the ellipses (three dots) in the upper right to expand the options.
  2. Scroll down to Close PO and select.
  3. In the Add Note box, provided the cancellation information such as request number or the name of the individual making the request.
  4. Select OK.

For exceptions or questions, please confirm with AITS iBuy Production Support before proceeding.

Scenarios in which a Change Request cannot fix an order in iBuy or Banner:

  • If a Purchase Order was originally created using an accounting date for a future fiscal year e.g., 7/1/YYYY. The iBuy to Banner integration will not allow for a Change Request to move a PO from a future fiscal year back into the current fiscal year.
  • Change a BP address that was originally used on a PO to a different BP or if the BP address is now inactive you will see a message on the PO “Fulfillment address is no longer available”.
  • Change of vendor name or BannerID
    • Resolution: Close the original PO in iBuy. This will close the PO in Banner automatically. Inform the user to create a new PO and to mark Yes to the questions:
      • Have any goods already been received, or services performed for this requisition or is this order to accommodate a cancel and replace Purchase Order?
      • Is this order a cancel and replace Purchase Order?
      • To make the vendor aware of the new PO number the user or purchasing should mark Yes to the question: Is the vendor expecting a copy of the new Purchase Order?
  • PO was generated through a Hosted or Punchout catalog. You will see a “bullseye” icon at the line level for each item ordered.
    • Resolution: Changes to catalog orders should be handled directly by the vendor representative.
  • Adding funds to a PO that was created prior to 9/20/22.
    • Resolution: A new Purchase Order should be created and appropriate parties such as the supplier and university payables should be notified about the new PO number.
  • Purchase Order used a previous Fiscal Year Fund e.g. 100023.
    • Resolution: A new Purchase Order should be created.

Scenario that does not require a Change Request in iBuy or Banner:

Change Request options on a Purchase Order in iBuy

  • Edit existing line-item values on a Purchase Order
    • Unit Price
    • Quantity
    • Commodity Code
    • Product description
    • Add new items to an existing Purchase Order
    • Cancel a line on a Purchase Order -
      NOTE: Cancel a line can only be applied to requisitions that were created on 12/1/2023 or after using the new format of the Purchase Requisition Form and Standing Order
      There are known issues with creating a CR on a PO to cancel a line. If you combine other PO changes (increasing/decreasing a dollar amount or quantity for a different line, etc.) with canceling a line on the same CR, only the line cancelation will transfer to Banner. Once you create a CR on a PO to cancel a line, no future CRs will import to Banner. AITS is working to resolve these issues, but for the time being if further changes to a PO are needed after a CR to cancel a line has been completed, the PO will need to be canceled and a cancel and replace PO will need to be created by the user.
  • Changes that are made directly on the landing page of the Change Request
    • Change or Update External Notes or attachments
    • Change or add Non-Standard Payment Terms
    • Ship To address
    • FOB Code (Freight on Board) - FOB Code Information. Live as of 12/1/23 and will be required on orders prior to this date if a Change Request is generated.

How to start a Change Request on a Purchase Order

  1. Enter the PO number in the Search field at the top of iBuy.
  2. From the search results, select the PO number to open the PO.
  3. Check to make sure the Purchase Order Owner Name is not italicized and or says inactive. If the current owner is not active in iBuy you will need to email AITS iBuy Production Support before creating the Change Request. Provide the PO number and the netid and name of the new PO Owner.
  4. Confirm the FUND used on the original PO. Please make sure the FUND is not from a previous fiscal year.
  5. Select the ellipsis (…) from the top right-hand corner of the PO. Available Actions/Options dropdown to appear. Select Create Change Request.
    NOTE: If Create Change Request is not an option, the PO has been invoiced and paid or closed in iBuy. It is too late to make a change.
  6. You will receive a Create Change Request pop-up window. From this window you will have a few possible actions.
  7. Recommended: Select a user(s) from the Email Notification(s) list to be notified about the Change Request or add a new email recipient to be notified about the change.
  8. Required: In the same pop-up window in the large note area please provide details of what you will be changing on the Purchase Order, e.g. Quantity on item ABC123, ShipTo Address, Price on item ABC123, adding another line item, removing a line. It is important to create a paper trail of details for future reference. The information will appear at the top of the Change Request for reference as well as in the History tab.
  9. Optional: In the same pop-up window you also have the option to upload a single file or URL. The file will be placed in the Internal Notes and Attachment area of the requisition.
  10. Select Create Change Request.
  11. iBuy now displays the Change Request which puts you in edit mode on the requisition.
  12. The Accounting Date field must be populated with today’s date unless the date needs to be in the future. If the field is left blank, the Change Request will be returned to draft status, where you have another chance to populate the accounting date and resubmit. Select Edit (pencil icon) under the Billing section of the Change Request to add a date.
  13. External Communication Options. If the PO Owner has indicated that the department and or supplier has requested a copy of the revised PO, or if purchasing believes the changes made warrant a new copy of the PO be sent to the supplier (e.g., added a new line, removed a line) select the External Communication tab of the Change Request. Select the box next to Suppliers on Change Request. The revised PO will automatically be distributed to the vendor in the PO Workflow through iBuy using the same distribution method as the original PO.
    NOTE: DO NOT change the other settings Resend to ERP System Connections on Change Request (Does not impact Banner) and PO Export to data warehouse. All Change Requests automatically go to Banner and the data warehouse.

The remainder of the steps are specific to the type of edits needed on the Purchase Order. After those steps are the final steps to completing a Change Request.

Edit existing line-item values on a Purchase Order.

  1. Scroll down the Summary page until you see the line-item details.
  2. Select the Purchase Requisition Form link on the line you need to make a change. You can edit one line at a time.
  3. From the left side of the form select Order Details.
  4. From Order Details you can edit:
    1. Edit the Unit Price
    2. Edit the Quantity
    3. Edit the Product Description
    4. Edit the Commodity Code
  5. Select Save on Change Request.
  6. From the top left corner of the form select Back to Change Request.
  7. If you need to edit another line on the order repeat steps b-f above.
  8. Important. If there is an accounting string split and the split is by Amount of Price, you will need to edit the Accounting String box if you reduced or increased the price of an item because you’ve changed the split value. You will need the department to provide the split by accounting line values. Those details are gathered on the PO Change Request Form used by all Charts but Chart 1.
    1. Select the Edit (pencil icon) on the Accounting Codes box while in Change Request mode.
    2. Scroll to the far right where the Accounting Codes are split by dollar and edit the amounts based on what the department provided.
    3. Select Save.
    4. If the total of the accounting codes lines does not equal the new PO total amount, you will receive a warning and will need to make the correction.

Add new items to an existing Purchase Order

  1. Select the ellipsis (…) from the same line as the Vendor name within the purchase order, the top row before your item details, select Add Non-Catalog Item.
  2. Populate the Product Description, Catalog No, Quantity, Price Estimate and Packaging as well as Commodity Code fields.
  3. If you have only one new item to add select Save.
  4. If you have more the one new item to add select Save and Add Another.
  5. Important. If there is an accounting string split and the split is by Amount of Price, you will need to edit the Accounting String box after you added the new line item(s) because you’ve changed the split value. You will need the department to provide the split by accounting line values.
    1. Select Edit (pencil icon) on the Accounting Codes box while in Change Request mode.
    2. Scroll to the far right where the Accounting Codes are split by dollar and edit the amounts based on what the department provided.
    3. Select Save.
    4. If the total of the accounting codes lines does not equal the new PO total amount, you will receive a warning and will need to make the correction.

Cancel a line on a Purchase Order

  1. As more and more vendors begin to invoice in iBuy it will be easier to determine if the line question has been invoiced already. Even if a PO says Fully Matched because invoices have been received, purchasing can still create a change request on the PO until the Invoice has been paid. Until the vendor invoices in iBuy, make sure to check in Banner form FGIENCD. Search by the PO number and advance through the lines until you reach the line that the user wants to cancel. If the line has a second line within the Transaction Activity area with a Type = INEI and there is a value in the Document Code field the line has been invoiced. One thing to note if there is more than one quantity confirm that too.
  2. From the landing summary page of the Change Request, select the box next to the line(s) the department requested to remove from the Purchase Order.
  3. Mid page, above the Vendor name next to the ellipsis (…), select the down arrow and select Cancel Selected Items.
  4. In the popup box refer to ticket or form number or netid of user requesting changes and provide details of the request from the department.
  5. Select OK.

Edits made directly on the Change Request landing page

    1. Change or Update External Notes and Attachments.
      1. To update or add external notes, select Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the External Notes and Attachments box.
      2. In the Attn: box add any notes the department needs sent to the Supplier.
      3. Select Save.
      4. To add an external attachment, select the Add and browse for the attachment(s) that need to be added.
      5. Select Save Changes.
    2. Change or add Non-Standard Terms.
      : Remove a Non-Standard Term Process is below.
      1. From the landing page of the Change Request, select Edit (pencil icon) in the Billing Options section.
      2. From the drop-down menu select the Non-Standard Terms value requested by the department.
      3. Select Save.
        NOTE: the PO will stop in the purchasing ‘Non-Standard Terms Review’ queue to be approved. You must change the Payment Terms field to match the Non-Standard Terms field and then approve.
    3. Remove the Non-Standard Terms.
      NOTE: If a user notifies purchasing to remove the Non-Standard Terms value, meaning they want to use the Supplier default setting e.g., Net 30, then complete the following steps.
      1. Create a change request and add comments stating the user has asked to have the non-standard terms removed.
      2. Within the Change Request you will NOT make any changes, but will add an accounting date of today, and will submit. Leaving the non-standard terms field with the original value, even though it is now wrong.
      3. Submit Request.
      4. Once the CR workflow is complete, the PO workflow will start and stop in the purchasing Non-Standard Terms Review queue. If you are not in the queue please ask someone within our purchasing department to take action for you or ask your manager/USC to allow you permissions to this queue.
      5. On the Purchase Order, select Edit (pencil icon) in the Billing Options section.
      6. Edit only the Payment Terms field. Changing it to the supplier profile default value. In many cases that is Net 30 but should be confirmed as some of our vendors have a profile setting that is not Net 30.
      7. Save and Approve the step. The payment term value should then be written to Banner. This can be confirmed in the FPIPURR.
    4. Change the ShipTo Address.
      1. From the landing page of the Change Request, select Edit (pencil icon) in the Shipping section.
      2. From the drop-down user list or by using the search additional area underneath the users saved ShipTos, select the ShipTo address value requested by the user.
      3. Select Save.
    5. Change or add FOB Code. There will be times when University Payables will ask the user to match the FOB code to the Invoice e.g. user records FOB31 shipping not expect to be charged on the PO but the invoice comes in with shipping. If the user agrees they made a mistake they will ask purchasing to create CR on the PO and change the FOB value.
      1. From the landing page of the Change Request, select Edit (pencil icon) in the Shipping section.
      2. From the drop-down menu select the FOB Code value requested by the department.
      3. Select Save.

Editing responses to the questions on the Order Information page

      1. Always select the first Purchase Requisition Form link, line one, to update an answer to a question.
      2. Select Save on Change Request.
      3. From the top left corner of the form select Back to Change Request.
      4. Until further notice, it is highly recommended to update all lines of the Purchase Requisition Form with the same answer response as just performed on line one. This will ensure reporting is accurate.

Submitting the Change Request

Before submitting, please note that if the Change Request was already completed on the PO in iBuy and the previous Change Request was to change or update the Payment Terms, the Change Request you are about to submit will also stop in the Non-Standard Terms Review queue unless you remove the value from the Non-Standard Terms field.

      1. Select Submit Request from the top right corner of the window.
      2. The Change Request workflow will run and then the PO will go back through the PO workflow.
        NOTE: If the PO change increases the total dollar amount over the Purchasing Supervisor threshold, the Change Request will route to Purchasing Supervisor approvals before changes appear on the PO and the PO goes back through the workflow.
        NOTE: If you see the PO error in the workflow, contact AITS iBuy Production Support. Do not attempt to complete a Change Request in Banner.

Tracking your Change Request

    1. From the left navigation of iBuy select Orders, My Orders, My Change Requests.
    2. The results will display the last 90 days by default. You can edit the Created Date by selecting the arrow next to Created Date: Last 90 Day.
    3. Within the results, if the Change Request Status is Complete your Change Request is through the approval process.
    4. If the status of your Change Request is pending, from the Change Request No field select the Change Request number you want to review.

KeywordsBanner Purchasing   Doc ID132070
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-10-12 11:19:52Updated2024-05-22 08:24:56
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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