Internal Controls - FABweb and Biennial Roles Explained

This document is to explain the specific roles and combinations for FABweb and Biennial.

To help you understand better how your responsibilities might be affected by the separation of prohibited role combinations, please view the FABweb and Biennial role descriptions below. Expand each section to learn what each role is used for and how they may be combined while maintaining the necessary separation of duties.


FABweb Unit Representative

This role completes and submits equipment new acquisition records to Property Accounting though FABweb and is responsible for communication with Property Accounting regarding adjustments to Otags. They are responsible for submitting non-cash addition records in FABweb. They are also responsible for updating already existing Ptags. They also initially create equipment transfer and disposal requests in FABweb for subsequent unit Approver approval. They have read-only access to the Biennial Inventory system.

Unit Representative role can be combined with:

  • iBuy Dept Account Coder
  • iBuy Executive Approver
  • iBuy Invoice Acknowledger
  • iBuy Query Only
  • iBuy Shopper
  • Fabweb Approver
  • Biennial Unit Contact
  • Biennial Unit Head


This role reviews and approves equipment transfer and disposal requests in FABweb prior to submission to the recipient unit or Property Accounting. This role does not have access to process new acquisitions or update existing Ptags in FABweb. They have read-only access to the Biennial Inventory system.

Approver role can be combined with:

  • iBuy Approver
  • iBuy Dept Account Coder
  • iBuy Executive Approver
  • iBuy Hospital Requestor
  • iBuy Invoice Acknowledger
  • iBuy Query Only
  • iBuy Requestor 
  • iBuy Shopper
  • Fabweb Unit Rep
  • Biennial Unit Contact
  • Biennial Unit Head
  • Banner Department Manager/Requestor


Biennial Unit Contact

This role is a high level role in the unit and is responsible for conducting and completing the Biennial Inventory. Only one individual is designated as the Unit Contact within your 3-digit organization. The person in this role needs to know deadlines and how to do each task throughout the Biennial Inventory process, such as loading the inventory list, assigning roles to Unit Specialists, performing physical inventory, and monitoring progress and deadlines.

Unit Contact role can be combined with:

  • iBuy Dept Account Coder
  • iBuy Executive Approver
  • iBuy Invoice Acknowledger
  • iBuy Query Only
  • iBuy Shopper
  • Fabweb Unit Rep
  • Fabweb Approver
  • Biennial Unit Head

Biennial Unit Head

This role is a high level role in the unit and is responsible for approving and signing off on the Biennial Inventory results. The Unit Head has read-only access to the Biennial Inventory system. Only one individual is designated as the Unit Head within your 3-digit organization. It is highly encouraged that your actual Unit Head be designated for this role. Units, schools, or colleges are currently allowed to designate other individuals (such as the unit, school, or college business managers) as warranted and desired within their org structure.

Unit Head role can be combined with:

  • iBuy Dept Account Coder
  • iBuy Executive Approver
  • iBuy Invoice Acknowledger
  • iBuy Query Only
  • iBuy Shopper
  • Fabweb Unit Rep
  • Fabweb Approver
  • Biennial Unit Contact

Keywordsrole combinations   Doc ID132250
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-10-23 11:06:44Updated2024-02-06 11:39:00
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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