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UPAY - Banner Document Management (BDM) Basics

Banner Document Management (BDM) (previously called BDMS, BXS, or WebXtender) is the University of Illinois System’s program for storing and viewing images of financial documents, such as invoices, credit memos, and checks. Using BDM with Banner helps you better understand payments to vendors, wire transfers, vendor credits, and so on.

To Access BDM

  1. Go to
  2. Select Banner > Document Manager - Financial under Applications by Category.
  3. Log in with your NetID and password.
  4. Select the UI-F-INV application.

To Access BDM Through Banner 9

  1. Select the document type (such as Invoice or Purchase Order) you’d like to view in the FOIDOCH Banner page.
  2. Click Retrieve Documents. The results will appear in BDM in a separate browser tab.
  3. Follow the listed instructions to view the document index information and exit the document window.

Common BDM Fields

BDM contains 28 indexing fields. Each field has specific information regarding a BDM image, which could be an invoice, credit memo, wire transfer, or some other U of I System document. Multiple indexing fields can be utilized in the same query to narrow the search results. The table below contains the most commonly-used fields:

This table provides descriptions of common BDM fields.
Field Description
Banner_Inv_Nbr Banner invoice number. Each financial document that is received by the system is assigned a Banner number. It starts with the capital letter “I” and is proceeded by seven numbers (e.g. I7339301). It is also known as the “I number.”
Vendor_ID Vendor identification. Vendors that do business with the system are assigned a vendor identification number. This number starts with the @ sign, followed by eight numbers (e.g. @14680138).
Vendor_LName Vendor’s last name. For example, “Smith” or “Smithsonian Institution.”
Vendor_Inv_Nbr Vendor invoice number. Vendors should assign a unique, previously unused invoice number, credit memo number, etc. to their document(s) when submitting them to the system.
Vendor_Inv_Date Vendor invoice date. Vendors should have a date on their financial document(s) submitted to the system. The date is displayed in this format: DD-MM-YYYY (for example: 01-JAN-2018 or 15-APR-1999).
Vendor_Inv_Amt Vendor invoice amount. The total amount of any invoice, credit memo, etc. If it is a credit memo, the amount will be a negative number in this format: -43.29.

KeywordsBDMS BXS WebXtender UI-F-INV   Doc ID135787
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-03-01 12:14:53Updated2024-09-03 08:46:14
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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